if i had a best friend here it would most likely be a girl cuz they r cooler than boyz but for a boy it would be randy
but definetly for a girl it would be biebez#1 and cute joker cuz i feel like i can trust them and all three of them i named are all cool
yeah!!!! 1 for me!!! bac at ya LMAO
but theres A LOT of people on here that are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying
woah randy i've known you longer and i make you laugh your a$$ off everyday!!
For me idk who it would be. i have a lot of good friends
u probably make him only giggle compare to wat we used to say to each other
yeah cesar that was awesome times!!!
those were 1 of the best times i had done since ive been on gamesbutler
woah that sounds so wrong in so many ways cesar
thank you Beast! and your one of my best friends on this site too
BedRocker of The Oncoming Storm.
bedrocker for sure, it used to be paradox *sad*
haha joke i have a life. and all the people who said my name (no not in bed) are my good friends too
wat kind of life do u hav cuz i remember u as a little f.uckin b.itch jk
if i had a best friend here it would definetly not be bedrocker
i jk about that bedrocker
i remember wen u rocked my bed just kiddin
woah!! im not cool with the g.ay jokes. and lmao dude you dont even know me!
how could you like HItler?? he was an evil man who almost wiped out all of the jews in poland
i made a joke about hitler, its 2 do with that kayne west and taylor swift thing, Hitler im happy for you, imma let u finish, but charlie chapkin had one of the greates moustaches of al time, of al time!
anyone want to be my friend?
hmm, thx charles. i would say hmmmm peter, charles, biebez, alice, Courtney, and allllloooott more;)
bed rocker i was just kiddin you react like im actually telling u the truth unless it is the truth and u dont want any1 to kno
lmao im just joking man. i know you were joking
oh and im not a JEW!!! im Christian! or Roman Catholic, which are basically the same thing
Oh and the Hitler part of my list was a joke....I'm a joker lol...
that avatar looks weird kael thas m.t.m.c.
thats messed up that no 1 wrote about me besides randy
just bcuz no 1 wrote about me that doesnt mean that im not cool now im every1s friend or else jk
wats your avatar a picture of? i cant tell
I think its bumblebee.....
it is bumblebee just like my backround on my profile
oh thats wat it is? i thought it was something else
so im no one's best friend
yea i said u and biebez#1 and randy
u r my friend too
every1 here is my friend but only a couple are my best friends
i guess cesar..cute joker..dan..BR(no h.o.m.o)taz..dom..etc i guees no one knw me
|$FBG$|BedRocker M.T.M.C is my friend my really close friend ;-D
wow i no im a girl and it is fun like omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow i no im a girl and it is fun like omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow i no im a girl and it is fun like omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my friend would be a hot white girl with huge boobs and a nice body and her name would be sammy cause i like that name oh and shed be a brunette