That is the meaning of awesome. I like the profile header thingy.
Same here the profile header thing looks very awesome and thank you for more achievements.
Dom this is awesomely amazing!!!! Keep up the amazing work
this looks completely amazing
What is exactly involved in the community? Just forums?
Also, you're getting rid of the kitchen?
Coolio. I can't wait to see updates.
I like the user bar, looks swell.
i like everything change it
That would be awesome! A good upgrade from the regular home page.
outstanding job once again butler :}
Looks pretty legit to me. I like that all the changes are positive ones that will more than likely make it easier to navigate and find things for people who are just joining the site. I'm really excited about this update! (:
I don't have anything really constructive to say but it looks great.
man this is even better than everything you did dom you have out did yourself good job thumbs up
nice, GB interface became ex and ex, and where is search window!? its needeable)))
It seems pretty nice! I'm missing the Recommended and the Recently Played games in the Home page... And you will add a "Random games" there too? It would be nice and aleatory! ˆˆ
Awesome. Im personally a big proponent the "Grey Box" on the top right. I think its pretty awesome.
very awesome theres just one thing i think you might of forget to do if you havent done it alreay, for the top part of the search engine and where it says home to community, when ever you go to scroll down the page it stays at the top so you dont have to scroll all the way back up to search for something or to go to forums etc.. like on face book when you scroll down if that helps to give you an idea what im on about:))
Maybe a way to let members use animated GIFs for profile pictures?
it kinda looks like facebook