Weekly bonus points are back! (I was sick last week)
Summer is slowly coming to an end (or winter depending on where you live)
For +10 points post the game you've been playing the most over the past 3 months
Booya. It's a game on OMGPOP. I play it by using the Draw My Thing game on this site.
i think its either Rise of the Castle, Burrito Bison, or Hanger
I beleive it's potty racer 3. Most of the time I play new games that come out.
I honestly cannot say. I spend my time playing whatever the newest game is. Sometimes I go back and find older ones I haven't played yet though. I think that if we want to say one I would reluctantly say Vertical Drop Heroes
i have played al lot of games past this 3 months
Let me think I think it is Plazma Burst 2 .
I... Um.... I went to the forums to keep track of my clan... And for half my summer I was on tour around KY, Virginia, Georgia, and Tennessee.... BUT for 5 days I played Boxhead 2Play.
anything with guns like raze smilywars and city rage (ithink thats wat its called)
I don.t have a favorite game....First post....XD
roadkill revenge is awesome
Grandma Eats a baby deer 3.
Im not sure I apply. too many games played.
I guess Paps Freezeria...its just awesome
Why do they keep doing that?
I have played lots of games too... Most of them are the new ones.
Not sure, but I think I played more Nyan Cat FLY! or Vectrix.
GHOSTSCAPE 2!!!! for heavens sake guys this game is awesome
I play allmost all the newish games. Never twice. XD
Crush The Castle 2, love that game
Super Fighters just rules
i also look at whatever's in the kitchen sometimes
this topic will be closed soon!
haha eventually anyway. My internet doesn't want to work
All points given out, sorry about the delay!