New header is up! +5 points if you give me feedback on it.
I like it the addition of the icons on the tabs look good... and the more link for other types of games would be helpful to new users to find the games they like... great job
i would put a highscore game tab on it other then that it looks great
Solo: The 'scores' tab will go to High Score Games by default. But there will also be a link to them under the 'More' link. +5 points to both of you, thanks!
Update: Changed the text from 'scores' to 'score games' hopefully this will avoid confusion!
that is so cool i like the icons i think it would be great
its cool but i wish on the quick game jump would include ALL games not just the popular and new
I like it it looks alot easier to use.
Thanks for the responses so far +5 points each
I like the header much better than the one right now lol
i like it because of the little animation by the links Games, Score Games, etc.
I like it. It's the little details that matters.
+5 points to all, thanks!
I LOVE it beacause of the icons i like the little joystick controller for games and the walkthrough wand:)
that is the only thing but it is cool
Thanks +5 points! I should start implementing the new header either tonight or tomorrow.
I like it. it has even more vivid detales than the current bar. I also like it because it even more simple than before. I look forward to seeing it soon!
i like it. i think it will be verrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy cool. i like how you are seting it up so we can coment on what you are doing
looks more streamlined and user-friendly.
+5 points to each, thanks!
there should be a tab forforums. I would LOVE that
yea a tab for the forums! and the pictures look nice too
+5 points, each. There will be a forum link under the 'more' link. The new header is up, just need to add the 'More' link
I don't see the new header :( Otherwise, I'd tell you something nice about it....
Refresh the page, or even better hard refresh (to reload the images) by holding down the shift key then clicking refresh. Otherwise your cache may not update the image for 30 days.
i love it dom best choice ever
I really like the icons, the site it's great! :D Well, I forgot to ask: why don't you put "forums" in the search bar? I think will be easier to search for forums names.
i like it it is awesome!!!!
its realy cool makes it way easyer
OH MY GOSH I LOVE IT!!!! Just tried the hard Thanks for the tip and I absolutely love the new format! The icons are so cute :D And a forums tab would be amazing. By the way, going off of Sofia's suggestion, what about tagging forum topics? To make it easier to search, I mean. Like tagging whatever the forum topic may be about, relate to, etc. I love all the progress on the site!
Thanks everyone! +5 points for everyone who didn't get the bonus yet.
I still plan on adding a forums link to the top under a 'more' link. And I plan on adding a search bar on the forums index. Tagging is a good idea, I'll brainstorm some ideas to see the best way to implement it.
they should be a tag for game collections
i like the new score games tab nice job dom
a suggestion: try and put something cooler than a heart next to My Games, maybe a Copyright or trademark symbol or at least something manlier