
WBP Oct. 31st - Nov 7th + T-shirt Giveaway

38 posts
Here's a chance to earn +5 bonus points and win a Free T-Shirt!

To earn +5 points, post 3 things you want to see on GamesButler.
Here are mine (also the ones I'm working on this week :P)
1. Top Comments on games
2. AJAX User Box (no page refresh for login, auto update points/level without page refresh)
3. Upload Background Image for profiles

Also I'll randomly select one persion who responds to win the T-Shirt!
Rules and T-shirts here: http://www.gamesbutler.com/tshirt
1. Background Images
2 More Achievement/Highscore Games
3. (you said you were working on this) IM or something along the sorts to connect with other People more privatley and easier
Just so everyone knows (as most people request it) I am working on chat. I'm hoping to start testing it in December and launch it in January
Level 12
16 Posts
1.background images
2.icon pictures that are able to have action; you know like this one: http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&global=1&q=kingdom+hearts+sora+moving#/d1uoa5a
3. icons that are full size on the profile page
Level 17
98 Posts
1.more achivements and more high score games.
2.more background images.
3.more fun games
1. Acheivments worth more
2. people Avatars
3. more games with cheats
Level 20
59 Posts
1.more achivements and more high score games.
2.more background images.
3.more fun games
Level 3
1 Posts
1.BackGround Image

2.More Games

3.More Achivements And Fun Games
Big Boi
Big Boi
Level 32
18 Posts
1. Points for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place scores
2.More Achievements
3.More Customization on your profile
1. Points for high scores
2. High score leaderboard
3. Challenges between players
1. an IM box
2. your own background image
3. full version games like happy wheels and super smash flash 2 or 1
Level 2
1 Posts
1. moving avatars
2. IM definatley
3. better torture games
pok'e fan
pok'e fan
Level 13
3 Posts
more back ground images
more games
you get pionts for loging on
1.challenges between players
2.music on your website so we can make playlist and listen to music whitout living this website
3.we can make our own chat room like forums but forums takes long till next person answers
Level 11
2 Posts
1.easier ways to get point
2.better walkthroughs
1. chat rooms for sure
2. competitions and challenges
3. achivements on every game
1. challenges, not just medal/achievement things
2. chat
3. upload background image
1.chating during games
2.more achievements
3.more rewards for getting to the differents lvls :[) :3
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
1. IM(during games)
2. Not having to refresh page every few min.
3. Make it able to play utube vids directly on page, instead of having to follow a link
Level 32
133 Posts
I have to think of THREE?! Oh my...

1. Maybe making it so you're not able to like your own comment on games.
2. Chat, even though that's been said eighty bajillion times and I know you're starting to work on it. xP
3. Maybe a holiday scavenger hunt? Like... Looking for little icons on the site and you get points if you find all of them? Yeah, that was vague. I apologize. xDDD
Level 27
1,984 Posts
1. Torture Game 4
2. Music Player wen ur playin games
3. Upload pictures and vids 2 ite non-gaming related
1)Chat with friends wile playin games
2)Upload backgroung images
3)more ways to earn points
1. Examples when you search
2. Background images
3. Chat
2.Pinch Hitter 3
3.More Achievements
Level 14
6 Posts
1. A karma point system for comments/posts... the good posts can then be bumped up, so when people read them, we aren't bombarded with "ehh, its alright", but rather worth while posts.
2. A setup feature where, after I log off, my son isn't playing what I've already accomplished; likewise, when my son clicks "play new game", it shouldn't delete my stuff.
3. There's a lot of "build your own" game sites on the web; I'd include a links page, so that members of Gamesbutler can say "hey, please try my game and tell me what you think."
Level 17
9 Posts
1.more acess to your own account
2.an online game type thing on games butler were you can meet other players,make your own crazy fun map,and go to the city and do drive by shootings and having to make people respawn after you blew them up with an rpg... oh and having the power to make your own gun,ragdolls,ect.
3.to make your own 3d avatar insted of taking pics from other sites
1. Chat
2. Collectables: They're like achievements, but when earned they appear on your profile. Collect and turn in a set to get bonus XP.
3. Comment max per day-eliminate comment spanners.
Level 9
1 Posts
1-up games with score
2-creating folders inside of my saved games
3-site translated into other languages
1.welcoming voice saying welcome to gamesbutlers ...(menu, games ection, etc...) get what i mean?
2.A chance to make ur own games for gamesbutler or games made by Dom himself( you ?;P)
3.Art section and top artist sections!


4.Voting section something like Debates but in safe mode :D
5.With high score, will be able to be the second highest in rank after Dom (you;P) himself!
will be able to send all resonable reports back to Dom(you:P)and any unresonable will result in warnage and soon results in banage. but if they were resonable the cop or police or watever u like to call it(:D)will have his badge or rank or watever u like to call it(:D)taken or from high rank lowered until badge etc.. taken and will increase if did good for a limited time u choose :|
1.people avatars
2.people avatars world
3.a special place for bloody games
Level 25
26 Posts
1.multiplayer-games(that you can play with other mebers)
2.points for highscores
3.own background images :)
ok i change my mind
1.Peter gets the free shirt
2.There is a video section, where users can post funny and cool videos that they find
3.Maybe we all get a stick figure or a human as an avatar. then we get collectible gear for out stick figure/human to make them look cooler by doing certain things like playing 20 different games in one day or by playing the same game for an hour straight(we should call this the no life gear lol)
1.more achievement games
2.personal avatars
3.more ways to get points
Level 16
6 Posts
1. More soccer games, more ninja games, and more shooting games like raze.
2. Show more games on each page. (ie. instead of having six pages that have 21 games on each page for retro games, make it fifty a page, or more)
3. Make it possible to have personal music playlists so that i don't have to listen to silly ingame music
Level 21
279 Posts
1.more sport games with highscores

2.more backround images

3.a media center like if we can add our favorite song or video or pics
Level 20
59 Posts
To earn +5 points, post 3 things you want to see on GamesButler.
Here are mine (also the ones I'm working on this week :P)
1. Top Comments on games
2. AJAX User Box (no page refresh for login, auto update points/level without page refresh)
3. Upload Background Image for profiles
god this is great dom
Winner selected. All points given out. Thanks!