school just school
School we need it
school, friends
school you have teachers
school is great
high school is even better
college, PARITES
school you mite find your true love
new experiences everyday
school, dances
school just school
school who dose not love it
school is fun
school, preps
school, classes
school, math, science, computer classes
school is great love it
school just school
we need school
I THINK SCHOOL IS NOT Bad for me but i don't love the teacher.
Im completly agree with u.
Though I never been to a single party. It's just fun being around like minded people for the most part.
lovely opportunies
Honestly i love school but it makes me feel tired. I have gray hairs from stress at school and im only 12!
School sucks in general in my opinion
I think school is a great Black Ops map for Search and Destroy.
Meh, the Academys not bad, people could be nice
school make me tired all Friday son
I wish I could set K-9 units loose on all my teachers.
school makes you blow up and burn into flames
school is like somthing that makes people throw up