You just know there will be flaws.
owell......if u don't like the way i type dont read my posts :)
But then we can miss important things.
Why can't we criticize huh is it a crime is it a law,FIRST LAW OF PHILLY26 BOOK NO CRITICIZING.
leave her out of this!!! D:<
Boom goes the dynamite. ^_^
no comment please there happy i said it right.
wow i can't believe it. you guys been talking so much about grammer in this forum that you guys have 7 pages...ashame.
Lol, again more dynamite blows up in Zthunders face bahaha
Oh yeah. 1 point for Joker post.
I'm laughing my **** off. I need a life.
omg!!!! that picture is creepy!!!!! lol hahaha it scared me at first lmao.....owell hahah
haha i guess so......i am pretty unique lmao
yup that's what i love about you. did i just say that? 0.0
????????/ im not sure what that means but i'll assume u mean friends..... 0.0
yea...friends...*says in head crap she is on to me* um... *runs away steals a car and drives away and crashes 1 inch from the house* DAMIT D:
im not sure if i should laugh at that or have my eyes bugged out of my head
laugh... laughs would be the correct answer.
lmao ^_^ this is my face no one dare take it D:
even though its kinda funny, and z i luv ya like a bro but thats mean lol
omi god sooron u r a babi