It is simple, they open the case and I go, "'Ello!!! I am Lindsay Lohan!!!"
Indeed. Did you know if you are driving a prius down the highway and you stick your hand out of the window the vehicle will turn?
*grumbles about a broken laptop*
I may be off and on but I currently don't really have a 100% working laptop.
CPU died. Thought I let you guys know so you don't think I abandoned you. I have a Linux laptop on and working but it got a fresh install so it's going to take a while since I believe it's updating itself.
Indeed. And this Linux one is so much slower than my broken Windows one. But at least it works...
*gives Torrey a pound of skittles in a bag*
*Gives Torrey a pound of bags in a skittle*
*eats all the skittles in the multiverse*
Eats all the multiverse in the skittles*
Well, now we destroyed all of existence. Now what?
Christmas! *pulls out presents and passes one out to everyone*
Oh. Lovely. So we didn't destroy the concept of Christmas yet.
And in other news...apparently Fedora's been having a problem with Flash. Notiably, it uses up almost 100% of the CPU whenever you have anything with flash running. Lovely.
You named your computer Fedora? Neat name.
Nope. That's the name of the OS. And the OS has been having that problem over 7 releases of it for the last 4 years.
They ought to fix it already.
*builds an indistructable skittles factory for Torrey*
You would think that...but nah...they didn't.
*My One Skittle survives because it's the freakin' One Skittle*
*takes that one skittle and jumps in the wood*
Ah ah ah. It is in my stomach, and cannot be destroyed because it's indestructible. That was a decoy, one which I planned on giving you anyway, but it isn't as powerful. It's the One Skittle to rule most skittles except the One Skittle to rule all skittles.
I have the One Ring to rule the g.ays, not to be offensive, or confused with the One Ring to Rule Them All.
Screw that. Bring me my long sword
*Starts to unzip pants* Okay.
*Starts to unzip pants* Okay.
All I have is a pocket knife*looks down almost crying*
Ha! My longsword is better than your knife. *Still unzipping*
Ha! My longsword is better than your knife. *Still unzipping*
*Tactical Facepalm of PHOENIX DOWN!*
*Tactical Facepalm of PHOENIX DOWN!*