it would have hit your juggular cord killing you or paralyzing you neck down, so u couldnt type either way, i win :)
okay how deep do u think the cut went
page 1, 11 statements down u said and i quote "it was a he and 2 to 3 centameters in my throut" PROOF THAT UR LYING
yeah 2 to 3 it was actually 2
oh u guys i dont need ur i got stabed end of discution
i just did my research, and 2 centimetres hits the Jugular Vein, which is a vital part of your neck, unless your a zombie, your lying
lol sice there mythical, hes telling porkie pies
haha porkie pies rhymes with die
ZOMBIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND DON'T STOP RUNNING UNTIL U REACH SIBERIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
basicly u didn't get stabbed
In siberia they say that the U.S. is far away.
lovin how he has nuthin left 2 say
Hmm, i rather go to Italy to tell the truth, is that far enough away?
the bunny hordes will finish this zombie...
Hehe, hordes is a funny word.
you would be dead. and if you did get stabbed in the neck you wouldnt have been in any condition to come onto the internet and post it here
Yo bunny guess who kills and eats the bunny...THE FOX! OH YEAH I WENT THERE~!
i doubt that. considering ur not really a fox
How do you know? I could be a mutant experiment in Area 51 and they want to see how I socialize!
that is also highly unlikely
You don't know that...ehehehehe
They sent you to socialize on a gaming site?
Hi, I'm Fo--- Charles! Your name's Alice? I just got a b0ner! Want to use it?
Really. Ummm before I came. X)
u didn't. its another name for area 51
Alice is another name for Area 51? Wtf?
DAMMIT NOW WE'RE SCREWED UP! I know Dreamland is another word for Area 51...I was directing "When did I say that, eh?" to Hyena because I never once said I was Alice, nor would I, nor am I...The girl's a psycho
you do realize she has the power to go on this website whenever the hell she wants and has the power to go to the forums section, pick this forum, read your comment, and then kick your a$$ when she see's you. or when you become a Freshman in highschool, on Freshman Friday she'll get all her guy friends to beat you up
Highscool is scary. She is a Psycho....Dammit?
Nah nah nah...I don't care...Does KUNG FU(FATHER of ALL martial arts) BLACK SASH(HIGHEST rank) mean ANYTHING to you? And I travel in packs of friends...
I'M BACK!!! hehehe...I am a psych-
Yo Alice you're back....Cool...
Yay!!!!!!!!!! You're back
Well, isn't that odd...hmmm.