*After reading EVERY comment with consideration*
... Sigh, Andrew, Andrew, Andrew, one does not need to be a citizen of America to be affected by the events that had occurred. As humans, we are easily persuaded by emotion, and an attack of hatred in one place WILL lead to fear in other places. I'm sure when 9/11 occurred, EVERYONE in the world stopped, and prayed, and hoped, this would not happen to them. Fear is the one thing we are ruled by, and though some think they have no fear, they are wrong. Fear can be long-term or short. For example, I have a long-term fear of spiders, or, Arachnophobia. Someone may not have a phobia or be paranoid, however, if a terrorist attacked them, in that moment, they would fear the attacker and, if possible, defend themselves. This was the case in Flight 93, whereas the passengers rose up against their captures' and bravely sacrificed themselves for their families and for the country. And also, Dcinc is correct. America, in a sense, IS a terrorist organization in itself. Though we do not see this because we are too arrogant. We believe we are helping others, and while that may be true, we are also terrorizing them. Perhaps Al-Queida attacked us to show we are weak and hopefully break us of arrogance? I don't know, nor do I support them, but when you think about it: who's the true villain? Perhaps Al-Queida was, in a twisted, ironic sense, good, and only breaking us of our sins, though their methods turned them into the villainous monsters we see them as today. And we should not hate all Muslims for it is only the Al-Queida supporters who martyr themselves for their cause. We, as a country, are rather unjust and do not completely think through all the angles and are quick to profile. This is why there is conflict. I was 4 when this happened, and, unfortunately, never learned of it until I was 7. How am I affected? I am an American, no, I am a human. I share the pain of others, while it may seem to most as foolish speak, I say it is what true care is. I can give empathy though I did not experience the event... I think all humans should scrap their pride and their arrogance and see that we are truly ignorant in our so called "knowledge" and come together to make a better world. Sadly, this will never happen in the future. I am not pessimistic, I am just saying the facts. It's human nature to be arrogant, violent, judging, evil. We are all good and evil, the question is, which quality do you show?