

511 posts
Level 27
1,984 Posts
why does dom not allow spam, hes a vegetarian
Peter (on last page): hehehehehe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS SUCH A LOL Funny Rating:9/10
Peter (on this page): heard it so many times before but it never gets old!!!!!!!! Funny Rating:7/10
Mr. A: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Funny Rating:8/10

my forum is the most popular on GamesButler
i got a joke there were 3 woman in the desert one had bread the other had water and the last one had a ar door the first woman asked y do u have bread she thenn sed incase i get hungry the other woman asked y do u have water she sed incase i get thirsty then the two woman asked the othe woman y do u have a car door she sed incase i get hot i can just roll down da window .....get it cuz shes hot and ppl usually roll down there window in a car if it gets hot.... lolszzzz
hey guys i met to say car door in my joke srry ......
hehedehahaLOLZ Funny Rating: 6/10
i dont think there are any more possible jokes left to say. me and scarecrow said most of the jokes already so this means, were gonna have to make some more up from scratch
A man escapes from prison where he has been for 15 years. He breaks into a house to look for money and guns and finds a young couple in bed.
He orders the guy out of bed and ties him to a chair, while tying the girl to the bed he gets on top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up and goes into the bathroom.
While he's in there, the husband tells his wife: "Listen, this guy's an escaped convict, look at his clothes! He probably spent lots of time in jail and hasn't seen a woman in years. I saw how he kissed your neck." If he wants s*x, don't resist, don't complain, do whatever he tells you. Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you. This guy is probably very dangerous. If he gets angry, he'll k*ll us. Be strong, honey. I love you."
To which his wife responds: "He wasn't kissing my neck. He was whispering in my ear. He told me he was g*y, thought you were cute, and asked me if we had any vaseline. I told him it was in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I love you too!!"

A new kid comes to school one day. the teacher said tell us your name the kid said texas. the teacher said really, what is your name
the kid says texas. if you say that one more time you will go to the principles office. the kid did once he got there the principal said what is your name the kid said texas. he said no really what is your name. the boy said texas. if you say that again i will send you home. now whats your name texas the boy said. so he went home. in the hall a bully said whats your name. the boy said texas
no really whats your name. texas. if you say that one more time i will stab you with my knife. now whats your name texas the bully stabbed him. the bullys mom said where is your knife the bully said deep in the heart of texas!!! GET IT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Level 27
1,984 Posts
LOL LOL u could become a Joke God If you tried hard enough Funny Rating: 8/10
A couple of women were playing golf one sunny Saturday morning. The first of the twosome teed off and watched in horror as her ball headed directly toward a foursome of men playing the next hole.
Indeed, the ball hit one of the men, and he immediately clasped his hands together at his crotch, fell to the ground and proceeded to roll around in evident agony.
The woman rushed down to the man and immediately began to apologize. She said, "Please allow me to help. I'm a physical therapist and I know I could relieve your pain if you'd allow."
"Ummph, oooh, nnooo, I'll be all right...I'll be fine in a few minutes," he replied breathlessly as he remained in the fetal position still clasping his hands together at his crotch.
But she persisted, and he finally allowed her to help him. She gently took his hands away and laid them to the side, she loosened his pants,and she put her hands inside. She began to massage him.
She then asked him, "How does that feel?"
To which he replied, "It feels great, but my thumb still hurts like h*ll
lmao. good dog cdog, but you still need a s h i t load of more jokes to become a joke god.
to true maybe u could take him as an apprentice!!! jk!!! Funny Rating: 8/10
lol carnage
Level 27
1,984 Posts
lol, wow, this is the most popular forum by far
popular 'R us
one day 3 people were arrested. the cops were gonna use the as human targets the first cop was about to shoot the the person said hurricane and dissapered. the next one was about to get shot when she said flood and dissapered the third was about to get shot fire he said. he died get it?
yea its old tho
yes it is but its still good Funny Rating: 7/10
joke 1: Two fish in a tank one turns to the other and say "do you know how to drive this thing?"
joke 2: A doctor tells his patient "i've got some good news and some bad news"
"whats the good news"?
"you've only got 24 hours to live2
"THATS THE GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!? THATS TERRIBLE!!!!!! whats the bad news"?
"i should have told you yesterday"
joke 3: did you hear about the magic tractor?
it turned into a field

joke 4: an englishman an irishman a scot a frenchman and a german walk into a bar
"whats this" asks the bartender "some sort of joke"?

joke 5: "doctor doctor. i get a pain in my eye when drink coffee"!
"try taking the teaspoon out"

joke 6: a white horse walks into a bar the bartender says
"thats funny this bar is named after you"
the horse looks confused and says
"what, its called william"?

joke 7: a policeman stops a car packed full of peinguins the driver says he found them on the side of a road.
"you should take them to the zoo" says the policeman.
the next day the same police man at the same spot sees the same guy driving past with his car full of peiguins again.
"i thought i told you to tale them to the zoo".
"i did they had so much fun we're going to the beach today"

joke 8: a frechman walks into a bar with a duck on his head the bartender says
"blimey where did you get that"? the duck says
"Paris, they've got millions of them"
my last joke: roses are blue
violets are green
not only am i colour blind
im a really bad poet as well
i know this has been done before ok. so in world war 2 were in a plane the first person droped a barbie doll out the window. the next one dropped a teddy bear out the window the last one only had a stick of dynimite. he dropped it out the window when they landed they saw a girl crying sayinga barbie hit my head next a baby was crying and he said a teddy bear hit his head and a teen laughing and he said i burped and hitler blew up!! THE END
am man once was texting on to a world wide web site. he said i hate brussel sprouts but he accidently deleted sprouts so people in brussels the capitol of belgium said OMG he hates us so the begeums started a riot and that is how worled war 3 began THE END
joke 1: has been done before
joke 2: alright but **** compared to other ones Funny Rating 5/10
is tasty
stenches by U.S.Mellbad
Level 3
28 Posts
i love jokes i give it 8/10
like i said before carnage, i think we said every joke known to man thats actually good. not like those crappy ones online.
ah ****
NO!!! We can't be done! Here's one:
Two hunters go on a moose hunt. They don't see any mooses (or however you write moose in plural...meese maybe?)after a week of hunting. So they come up with a plan: They will dress up in a two person moose suit and blow a mating whistle, and when a male moose comes, they will have an easy shot. They get in their moose suit and blow the whistle and sure enough, a moose comes into view. The hunter in the back tries to get out so he can take the shot, but the zipper is stuck. He tells this to the hunter in the front.
The hunter in the front replies: "I don't know about me, but you had better brace yourself"
carnage your in FBG$ NOOOOO! :C
Level 24
409 Posts
i got one:
The Yellow River, by I.P.Freely
Timmy, the boy Whose Parents Kicked Him Out by B.Goode
lmao swim. i get that one but not yours Gamer W.A.T.A.G.
swim: (the plural for moose is..... moose its one of thoose annoying ones) and hilairious joke Funny Rating: 10/10
Gamer: i don't get it plz explain
SWIM I NEED U NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
I just got a Thats What She Said shirt, its awesome
s' alright but not good enogh for a 8 Funny Rating: 5/10
Level 35
669 Posts
we have no more jokes! :(
illestst(however the rest of ur name is spelt):LOL!!!!!!!!!!lolololololol!!!!!!!!Funny Rating:9/10
Some good oxymorons:
Why is it good when a vacuum cleaner sucks?
Why do slow down and slow up mean the same thing?
Why do wise man and wise guy mean opposite things?
Why is phonics not spelled how it sounds?
Why do we sing Take Me Out to the Ballgame when we are already there?
Why do fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing?

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