*stares with anger at Leon while sitting at the backside of the truck beside him*
"should we look out for sarah?" - Mimi asks
Xavier, I know you're mad at me. I'm really sorry. I didn't have to listen to takashi anyway.
-Xavier stays quiet for a while..-
It's okay.. *stretches out his legs*
Glad you forgave me. *Takes a seat*
I wonder where is he driving..
Soo.. Tell me about your past..
We are going to find soon.
*Cristian spots a survivour with a bag full of guns and ammo* Wait guys.
*He gets off the truck* Who are you ?
-I'm Carl
-Carl would you like to join in our group ?
-I can't , I have my own group and a family to take care of - Carl said
-I need those guns Carl. - Cristian said
-Go find some yourself ! - Carl said
*Cristian fastly takes his gun out of his belt and shoots Carl's head*
I'm sorry, my quest is more important
*Cristian gets back on the truck and keeps driving as if nothing happened*
Take this guns and ammo -Cristian said to the group
We will need them-
Why you killed him?! we are not the bad ppl!
"We really needed the gun and ammo! I already lost my gun in the factory plus, our old car, which had all the supplies probably exploded.." While speaking, she stuffs her holster with useful weapons. *passes a little smile to herself*
Believe me . Humans are more dangerous than zombies. What would have happened if I didn't kill Lex ? Maybe you would be dead right now.
Ah ok. *takes shotgun and some ammo for the 3 weapons* *reloads* (shotgun and the 2 handguns)
Awesome! Haha..
Hammer! *grabs the hammer and an ordinary pistol*
"Don't you think we should look for sarah before driving much further..? We don't really know her yet, but it'd be easier with more survivors to..." Mimi continues speaking..
*Cristian arrives into an abandoned building*
Guys we are going to stop here now. We are near the lab , but We'll attack at night.
Lets kill some zombies.
*Cristian grabs the bow that he took outta Lex's body*
*Shoots* Missed , damn it.
*Shoots again* One down , I'll practice.
*10 zombies come out the bulding*
I left a note in Lex's body. She'll read it , and she'll come here. Don't worry about Sarah.
*kills zombies with shotgun* I will have some practice.
*Xavier jumps out of the truck running hand through his hair*
Ahhh.. (: I've been in army force since my early teens!
*takes out a pistol with silencer on it*
(In the Zombie Apocalypse-Character thread.)
No healing powers , sorry. You're dead :D
Nope, I'm still alive because it's my character and not yours to kill. :)
I'm kinda lost.Can I just wake up in the truck?.:P
(Um lets just get back to the apocalypse, perhaps?)
Sarah drove for a while, but eventually she found the others by and old building. "You guys planning to camp here tonight?"
Yeah, And Tomorrow night we will attack.
"Attack the building?" Sarah asked skeptically.
Well, Yeah. It's cristian's plan.
"We then, if zombie-boy demands it, I guess I just have to tag along." Sarah smirks and starts to lay out stuff for camp.
Christian kills like a cold-blooded killer. Takashi wondered if it was correct to follow such a man.
You died. Now please, Rest in peace.
*leon Reloads his gun and Sits Thinking about his family*