-smiles & gives Nova her brownie then puts another log in te fire place-
*thinks nows my chance to things i always wanted >:3* mew o.o
-pullz chu under couch to hide wiv me- Meow
*hides under the couch with nova* mew... o.o *paws nova year on my side*
-sits bck on the couch then lays down & stares at the ceiling-
-puts pillow over my face eyes filling with tears again then goes to the bedroom & sits on the bed-
*gets out under the couch and follows behind rini* mew
o hi little guy -sniffles & wipes eyes on the bck of my hand & smiles a little-
-pulls him up with me & wipes my eyes again petting him-
*purrs and licks you* mew ^.^
i miss him.. -still pets him- this used to be his bedroom.. -eyes fill with tears again-
-curlz up in ball under couch- Meeow Q~Q
come on lets go look for Nova -gets up & wipes eyes on shirt then goes out to the living room / kitchen-
*jumps down and goes under the couch with nova * mew
-sitz up and lickz chur cheek- Meeow
-makes Nova some tacos & energy drink then the kitten some food & water-
-crawlz out an getz dem then crawlz back under an startz eating tacoz-
-smiles & goes out on the bck porch-
*looks at the food then nova* mew o.o
-sits on a chair then pulls out the letter he left & reads it again-
-givez chu a taco- MEEOW ^.^
mew! :D *nibbles on it* mew :D
-ges ready to rip it into many pieces but cant-
*hears knocks on the door* mew o.o
-crawlz out an runz to cat flap an pokes head through- Meeow o_o
-gets up & goes to open the door- hello??
-getz head stuck in cat flap- Meeew Q~Q
*a guy with a number 9 tatto on his arm has sword pointed at rini* mew! *runs at the guy and bites him*
-lookz an runz off- Meeow Q~Q
-looks at him not really scared & grabs the kitten- may i ask wat u want???
mew o.o
Unknown: my name is Blaze and im here to kill you and your little friends for my boss.
*blaze charges at you*
-runz to rini an pawz at her leg lookin at kitty- Meeow Q~Q
-piks up Nova & dodgies the guy snapping his sword in half- ya well im not in the mood for dying at the moment
*looks at the dude about to pounce*
*blaze puts hand at rini making a steel dragon*
-kicks his balls then elbows his face-
*blaze catches ur knees and ur elbow *
Blaze: aren't you just weak.
-triez to reach for kitty- Meeow Q~Q
-drops Nova & Kitty & looks at the guy- im a lot stronger then u think dumbass
*pounces on blaze head clawing him*
Blaze: annoying rat!
*blaze throws me to the side making me hit the wall then kicks rini to the wall as well*
-runz to kitty- Meeow Q~Q