recently my true love broke up wth me and said that she just didnt like me as much as she thought... and that she likes my enemy,joe. i cried for almost 30 minutes and i now want her back very very badly! plz somone give me good advice!!!!!!
Don't cry about it on the Internet, fool.
says the wierdo who is obbsesed bout a stupid duck
Grow a pair and get over it.
Bi**h plz Yo momma is proof I got some balls
just tlk her and tell her how u really feel, and if u really love her let her go
The funny thing is that you're like 11 years old.
The thing is u should know I have been dating since preschool
who is 11 yrs old, Mostafox, pickleman or me, and sure a lot of kids "dated" in preschool, it was nothing serious, half the kids didn't know wut dating was
Some one dared me to flip a kid off in pre-school. So I did.
y wld u, thts just stupid and how wld a preschooler know wut flipping off meant
Dan, Shut up, Its called txting language, its cool maybe u shld try it
actually im going into 8th so u might want to shut ur mouth until u know wut ur tlking bout kk, thx ugh
no, but its annoying to type full words
im used to txting language on keyboards
The stereotypes rolling off of you are choking me with their shallow fumes.
People, please learn proper English, or at least a 5th grade level of it, before logging on to the internet.
Amazing. You learned 5th grade english! Congrats!
actually i know 8th grade english i just don't use it
Please, start using it. People like you are the reason our planet is doomed.
Sparkles leave me alone; mostafox please don't start.this again
Actaully, she used the semi-colon correctly.