This is an Indian guy. Not Mexican. Bollywood movies are...weird.
I do that all the time
>> 1/0
ans =
But if you have infinite zeros, you still have zero!
And if you subtract an infinite number of things from infinity you have infinity.
When I divide by zero, I get a syntax error.
When I divide by zero, my calculator blows up.
Well, that means you have a ******* calculator.
A paper I recently got in my math class had multiple equations and gave us different input values to solve for.
One of the outcomes was a divide by zero, so I put, and I quote "Only Chuck Norris can divide by 0"
Well, *tips hat* I happened to be one of the few beings that can go longer than a minute against him.
That's a sexy monocle. XD
The Castle has been brought back from the dark side!
You get to be Lolita Sauron now.
Now I think you're speaking French.
I wish I could actually speak Spanish...
Si, espanol amiga. Donde esta?
No, now I'm saying German.
Deutsch: für den ernsthaften Grammar Nazi
Language Switch: Italian!
This is my job now. Provoking language switches.
Nein. Deutsch ist die überlegene Sprache
I think I'll never be knighted now. :(
*Facepalm* You already have been knighted...
Ok, that's cool, Benjamin.