Well, Final Fantasy is older than you so I can't give anything but a >= much credit.
Fine, FF is greater than, or equal, to AJ. :P
Yes. Now, let's see...I had a problem in my program I'm making...I ran it a second time and now it appears to work. Huh?
That would make no sense for running the same exact program the same way twice...but I'm thankfully not asking why... ... ...
Mash the keyboard randomly. It fixes 99% of problems:
wefwywhgowaehogjn'awihnawj4goiioawginweigajoi *487 viruses removed*
Sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing.
You can't prove that.
*Looks both ways and walks away suspiciously*
New Plan I will type like this. How are you today? I am doing really well. And I like to keep doing this.
I found out my computer has an easy way to do Unicode Inputs so I can do this very easily
lana eht ni ssa sammom uoy kcuF
I'm just using the unicode command! I have the ability to do this without anything else. I love Linux like that.
It's too complicated to do it with just a unicode writer.
I'm just pretty happy with what I have and I can do.
¿◖ƎᴎƎԀԀ∀H ⊥∀HM ◖O⅁ HO-ɯɹou oʇ ʞɔɐq 'dn⅄
Whatever. Moral of the story is the universe sucks with this shiz.
Xbox live gamer tag: AIJ007
Hey people. Why is this forum dead right now? Something doesn't make sence...
Well, I was and still am busy thesis-ing
5 days and no post = Dead
metropal what with the picture?
It's the cookie monster. Diabetes in puppet form.