(To those that can't see it, I had a philosophical moment today...)
One thing I keep relearning every month or so is that, in all honesty, everyone is practically in the same position as you. Some may seem to be more well adjusted, maybe smarter, maybe knowing what to do with their lives, but really, they look at themselves and compare themselves to others and see the same problems in them that you see with yourself. It isn't until you hear someone admit their own problems in a fit of true weakness that you really see that even if you're on a different level as them, that they suffer the same problems as you and that life is not actually easier for those you perceive as better.
The important thing is realizing that this is all true for everyone, and not to put someone on a pedestal just because you observed them having the qualities that you want in your life.
That sorta depends on your definition of "same position". Bill Gates, for example, has countless more luxuries than me and countless more worries than me, so there is little basis for us to relate about. Sure everyone has problems, but the form and intensity of the problems will vary greatly.
That's the great thing about philosophy, though; nobody's ever fully right or wrong, they just see the world their way.
Well, for the most part, I'm talking more about your peers. Or people that are close enough to you that they might be your peers. Not people in a completely different situation than you. They have different problems.
I noticed it when I started comparing my friend more positively compared to me...only to remember that a different friend earlier did the same to me and me almost dismissing her because I know that I'm nothing like she said I am.
I'm done unless someone else makes another point. I mean I just said it to revive this forum.
Well, hello there! Long time no see. How have you been? (Hopefully you won't just disappear again)
Kinda busy and easily forgetting things, such as my gamer part and spirit of posting.
And weeell probably yea, like, 92.6% of chance - maybe - I disappear... But I will always be back, that's for sure :)
What about you, mates?
Ah, my life has been having its ups and down. I noticed for the most part my life has been trying to find a way to balance not doing anything with being a researcher and a grad student. It has been successful for the most part but I need to figure out how to be less cocky about it and actually work instead of like procrastinating.
Aw well, I will have to deal with the same problem in my future. Just finished school/high school/the first part of my life (this explain why I have disappeared) and I'm going for the next chapter of life, University. That's why I might be gone again.
About the procrastinating... I guess University ain't the same as school. I'll be enjoying most of the classes I'll have (if I'm right with my life-time choice) so most of the time I will certainly want to study and work, just to get better - and than I can be cocky about it. hehehe
Ah, well, it gets a wee bit calmer during University. It's definitely a bit harder than high school, but really, you have a lot more free than in high school. At least I noticed that when I became a university student.
So what will you be majoring in in university?
The freedom probably comes with caring about the classes even more and a more mature way of thinking. Oh, and it's Biomedicine. Joining the research team. :)
I got curious! What kind of research you make?
Ah. Well, right now I'm working on Speaker Verification, one of those weird fields that's in the intersection of Electrical Engineering (which I'm majoring in) and Computer Science. Essentially, you're trying to find the identity of someone talking.
The main research problem with it comes with the fact that there are many ways that things can actually be recorded poorly so you have to worry about that, and nobody really has any good how to model and remove it.
You will probably be able to talk about your field for hours and hours once you find the subset you actually want to work in like I did. That's the fun part of research.
Generic, that's what I call a awesome work. Looks kinda like a "counter-spying-thing", and is a pretty neat ramification of your graduation (or majoring, I got confused with the names). I was interested in Electrical Engineering, thinking more in the awesome thing it is electricity (it's magic with science, that's for sure!) and also in the "easy" work - things such as wire systems and stuff, in buildings and industries, easy to find if your good on it. I was thinking really small D:
Charles, I only find what I wanted in the very last minute. I was interested on many other courses; until last year I wanted Medicine (?)/Medical School (damn names...), but it's really - I mean, REALLY difficult to pass due the amount of people wanting it. And my grades weren't that great (they were... good) to ensure my place in University for that course.
By the way, I have no idea what is a Junior... Learned about naming that kind of thing long time ago. How many years/semesters you have to finish High School?
Oh hey Sofia. How you doin'? I'm sorta delayed. Mainly cause everyone started talking in paragraphs and I didn't want to read them. But I did. Meow.
Yay! I will pretend you read it all just because of me! :D
Of course 1 years = 2 semesters hehe. Including this one? But we are on January... So are you finishing it in the middle of the year? And you had a speciffic art class in a whole semester, still in high school? I know it's a different organization, but that's way different! D:
Here, this kind of ending the semester, after the 1st half of the year, is pretty commom only in Universities.
And about the nasty things... okaaay... Buuut if you ain't a curious person, I guess that makes someone pretty-ok with their work! Nothing to worry about! ...Right?
Well, you're in the southern hemisphere. I heard things are different down there about when you guys go to school.
And, well, the nasty part comes from the fact that there might be some reason why most of our data is data that was essentially obtained via voluntarily wire tapped phone line...
Well, people signed up for having conversations with complete strangers recorded. They called up the central hub. The central hub linked them with someone else, and the central hub told them what language for them to speak in. Meanwhile it records both sides of the conversation.
For doing this, they got paid.
I used to be able to access the website. I guess they FINALLY took down the website where you sign up on. (Considering they finished compiling the data 10 years ago and they recently switched datasets they better have...)
But essentially, services where the NSA could get access to certain people more easily is the more nasty part. But other services that could use a phone based password system (like a bank or a credit card company) would be nicer uses for this.
It's also not quiiite wire tapping. It's just the easiest analogy I can come up with for their call center. I guess you can think of it as like a telephone based chat roulette system. People call it up, connected to someone randomly that knows the same language as you, and you converse using the conversation tips they give you.
I like it. Rate my rant against the government.
Ooooh now I get it, your job. I was thinking damn high here.
Charles, what I just read? o.O
Also, that's why I said about the terms of condition stuff. If you don't read it, probably there is a clause like "I allow company X to turn on my microphone device when they want". That's stupid, but if you sign it, nothing yo can do for a small amount of time untill you call your lawyer and sue then for invasion of privacy. Meanwhile, they an discover plenty of useful things for then.
Gratz on the 100 pages, I see you made it without me.
Anyone having an issue with the forum page 104 being empty? It's annoying me... D:
Oooooh thanks, mate. The fact that I still click on the newest posts and end in a empty page still annoys me, tho.
LIFE FACT: When younger I didn't know how to say "empty" right, so I keep saying something like "empipt" (the "i" like in "hi") hehe.
heres a cat
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Waiting to attack us while we are distracted...
That's why we need to always be vigilant.
Now, for a new topic: Fucking Magnets. How DO they work?
No. I'm not talking about that. I'm saying, we're getting into a metaphysical discussion on how magnets work. So everyone put on your philosophy hat and get discussing