
Donoley Costro High

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Level 28
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Level 28
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*It was the first day of highschool as the freshmans AJ and Jack walk in. By the looks of it, it was your regular old highschool filled with goths music lovers and male whores, :/, and not to be forgotten, the 'populars'. Know through middle school as the 'Lova', Peter 'the pimp' Miranda seemed to flirt with every girl he passed by. (Don't be offended but..) Then there was the hookers, Taylor was first on the list to talk to 'The Pimp'. Some say the had **** in elementery school, others say she was raped by him, either way, she rubbed her math ruler like she would use it as a ****** that night. Jack and AJ both were on the football team in middleschool, both know by powerful arms and quick speed. After 'the incident', which was a compleat fail, AJ stole his girlfrien and then they shortly broke up afterwards. But now they are best friends and told each other that they would drown in Mautain Dew after the first day. And as they say, first days for 'noobs' are always terribal. Soon it became clear that it would soon be correct.
A sudden pain in Jacks arm made him wince in pain. The schools 'Ninja' decided to make an enemy on the first day by taking his scissors and making his mark. After chalenging "ooooos" and "ha ha bring it."s, Charles Kays whipped out a colapsable staff, his 'wepon of choise'. As soon as his groupies forcefully made a ring of students, neither student nor teacher could stop the dule which was quickly started, soon the circle of students had become a duling ring of maddnes.
It became clear that his popularity had to be increased with his, 2vs1 tactic. Sadly, his groupies decided that it would be differnt and that they wanted to have some popularity as well. Making it a 6vs2, the 6th groupie got his challenge bell and howled out the rules. Before AJ knew it, his foot was kicking someones crotch and his fist in anothers face. 'DING' the bell rang as one of his assisstant fell to the ground. Jack swore to himself that he would get reveng on the main. A fast Roundhouse kick to the face sent the 'Ninja' Sprawling. 'DING DING' the bell sounded as two more groupies clamered out of the ring of screaming students and teachers, soon joined by police trying, but failing, to get into the ring. A fatal blow to the knee sent the bell 'DING'ing again. The halls were filled with screaming and blue and red lights by the cop-cars outside. 2vs1 tactic soon came into play as 'DING' was heard through the halls. Taking out his staff, Charles wasn't about to go down. Quick as lightning, he blocked to bleeding fists randomly thrust his staf out and powerfully slammed what ever was in his way to the ground.
AJ woke up in the hospital after 2 hours of acoma. All he knew is that Allison, Jack's and AJ's ex. stopped the fight somehow. AJ went down in agony after his 2vs1 tactic. Kicking forward, Jack made a face inpact kick into Charles face, sending the loser into the crowd.*
Level 28
3,052 Posts
*Besides the fights and tounge lashings from Jacks mom, the first day was alright. The groupies all were limping at school and Jack had to get stiches. '...Speaking of tribal wars, did you hear about the bloody war in Donoley Castro Highschool? The crowds around the 8 students were so thick that the police nor teachers could get through to the fight. All 8 were injured, one went to the hospital over a cracked head with a wooden staff, the attacker, Charles 'The Ninja' Kays was the starter of this useless fight, no comments. Now here Josh with the forecast..' The news was buzzing about that fight, AJ agreed that it was useless, but thats highschool for ya. Jack and AJ both rode up in their ATVs, soon after they saw Charles sprinting to school. He does that every day in case he was ever attacked.
Everyday there would be 15 minuets before some classes, AJ went stright to Math, Jack waited for 15 for Science. The parking lot was filled with girls and only a few guys. Last years footbal team decided to have a reunion, which included Peter, 'The Pimp' has left the building. Useualy everone looked at Charles in either lust or envy, no one looked at him today. As AJ went inside, Jack could hear the halls go quite. Sighing, Jack decided to go to the back of the school.
AJ could notice the fear in most of the student, mainly in the groupies. As AJ walk by, Charles hissed. Trying to ignor him, he walked on-ward. He tried to walk into class behind group to not get noticed but failed.* "Good morning class. We have a freshman in the room so we'll introduce him." The teacher looked at AJ, and he started to get up. All the laughing and gossiping was at a hold. While everyone was staring at the freshman in a hoodie, the teacher stated "We hope you will fit in.". As AJ sat down a student rush into the room. "Glad you could join us Ben. Ben is a exchange student from Austrailian. As you will to AJ, be nice." AJ looked around the room and sighed when he saw that the seat to his left was the only one open. "Hallo." Ben said with a heavy Austrailian accent. On his shirt he had R.E.G. on there. AJ didn't know what it ment but he seemed like he followed it by answering most of the questions.
*When jack got behind the school he saw a very tall tree and under there, two girl sitting under benches. On their shirst they had R.E.G., which stood for Read Education and Grammer. Everyone knew and called them Regs, standing for their 'club' and that they were regular people. After staring at them for a minute, another student came out wareing the same shirt. He looked Austrailian so Jack left to the front of the building.*
Level 23
822 Posts
Was that other person Ben?
Level 28
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Level 28
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I was thinking Bens dirty secret is that he killed his family. So when another charecter learns his secret and he is about to kill him/her when he says the dirty harry sceen.
I will kill with a cudgel............ Or a machete............ Perhaps a revolver.........
Level 28
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Dirt Harry had a revolver. :P
ModLevel 34
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Meh, I'm not offended, but in reality I fight 1 on 1 with no weapons, except my hands and feet, in if it's a girl then it's also my di.ck:These are my most "Lethal" weapons
Level 28
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Nah, not for you at least. Peter and I have a special attack, the wang choke. :p
Level 23
822 Posts
well aj fights a girl and does not have a di.ck cuz it falls off when she sees her boobs
Level 28
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What did I tell you about watching recordings of your wrestling 'matches'. And it is surely bigger than yours.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
lmao AJ we strangled that hooker with our 7inchers and then beat her with it
whens the new one gonna come out
Level 23
822 Posts
new what?
SOON!!!!! I HOPE!!!!!
Level 28
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I'll try and work on it this week. I might have a special guest.................
yay this week
Scary monster, but his gun isn't real........
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
UP SHUT!!!!!!
ModLevel 32
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Write the next part already, pleaseeeeee.
Level 28
3,052 Posts
Yeah sorry, I went on va-ca-tion. I say va-ca-tion cause I'm classy as ****k.
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
classy as what?
so when r u going to write the new one????
its been 4ever pls write one SOON! pls?
ya i know AJ pls pls pls pls pls!!!! put up a new one PLS?
...................... what?!
That's a lot of pleases.
ya i know and he still hasent:( and plese put me in it PLEASE
And how in hell can a person look Australian?
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
The same way a person can look American.
Americans look British and the British look Australian.
its someimes a matter of oppinion
No, it really isn't.
well then!
Level 28
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80 Days Later

The day drew on, slowly but shurely. Most of the time AJ scribbled down pictures decribing his thoughts at the moment, other times he was either looking at people or looking at people looking at him. Math was never a 'fun' subject for him, the dots, the lines, the numbers and shapes never aroused his interest. Its was a hard three months since Jack was killed in an alley. Police wrote it off as gang violence, but some people thought differently. These some people were the R.E.G.s, Reading, Education and Grammer. Months ago they were a school program but that was months ago. They were now a gang, a cult, a group that stroke fear in anyone who dared question them. Even the teachers were under their spells, their mind controll. R.E.G.s leader was a Austrailian exchange student who went by the name of Ben, of course, his name could be anything but, knowing him. Ben had a dark silence that spoke for itself, but you would know he knew something when he did speak. In this case, Ben spoke when Jack had died, he knew something. AJ knew he knew something. Something.
---AJ snapped back to reality knew the crimson school bell rung, sound went through the halls and through the rooms. Some kids sprung up and darted out the door, others more casualy picked up their books and walks out. AJ just sat there, the noise still ringing in his ear, continuing without a reason. He got up and sighed. Only he was in room, the 30 something teacher was probably already in her car by then. The idea of walking into a hallway full of careless teenagers did nothing for him. Though he rendered himself useless, women thought he was everything they needed in a man. That information spread to the ears of men and jelousy took its toll. He breathed in, opened the door, and walked out.
---Women licked their lips, men gritted their teeth, AJ just raised an eyebrow and kept walking. Most highschoolers would go home or hang with friends, he just went to a rundown playground near a busy street. He only still went there because of a certain swing set, the built was the whitest of whites, yet the seat was the darkest of blacks. Both colors seemed to have no color what so ever, yet it was there. The leaves had gone away but the trees remained, it was the end of december, close to new years but after christmas.
Hell. Yes. *Reads* *Applaudes*
Level 28
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Your enthusiasms is encouraging. C:
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
Oh my goodness!! YAY!!! You wrote the next part. *tackles AJ, then backs away* That was awesome. I like REG.
Level 28
3,052 Posts
Me too, me too.
Ohhh I love it boo :)
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