*rains on Charles's parade.*
*Fire is magic and doesn't burn out* EAT IT BEOTCH!
*Condenses and eats your fire.* NOM,NOM, NOM!!!
*You spontaneously combust* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! XD *Laughs and points*
Ehm. Sauron owns and created the Ring, it has no power over him. Just power over other life forms (Except wizards and Tom Bombadil.) Sauron doesn't turn invisible when wearing the Ring, he is it's master.
*Hangs around in Barad-dur*
*My organs and blood splatter all over you*
Eh. It's not any worse than disecting a frog, and I feel I enjoyed THAT a little too much....
We haven't disected anything yet. :(
I disected a sheep's eyeball in high school... (Muscle and eyelids included.)
I disected a cow's eye in 6th grade. (muscles included)
Lol not a Hypocrite, but a liar.
I said that wrong. I meant I haven't disected anything in Biology yet. Since both me and Charles take bio.
not in the same class though. *whispers in Bens ear, "she is a freak. and she wishes she could just have secks(s-e-x has ****. I know how to spell) with Charles. LOL"*
We both take the same subject. In two different schools, in two different states. Get it right, please, or don't comment at all.
*Laughs at Cardinalsdog, so hard he fell on the ground*
"Dating on the internet isn't great, sad loser!" xD
(Been busy sorry I haven't been on in a while guys/Torrey.)
It's alright. We enjoyed beating each other up. :P
Oh yeah, I read that. Sounds fun-er than what I had to deal with...
*Takes a bite out off burrito and jumps in pool*
*Slowly sinks to the bottom of the pool while squirming in pain and agony"
*Throws you an electrified rope* Water is a conducter!!! Oops... *Water is electrified*
Good thing i am protected with is impenetrable rubber diving suit.
*smiles while continuing to sink slowly*
Want some popcorn? *Offers Sauron some popcorn*
Sure. *Takes some popcorn*
*still sinking slowly to bottom of the pool* "WOW this pool is really deep."
*Lowers eternal ruler into pool, measures at 5000 feet*
*Drops oxygen tanks in the pool* Have at it kiddo.
You'll need a bit more than that. *Throws you an extra*
Shouldn't we try saving him?
nah, he has it under control. :D
Probably a sea-monster. *Throws you a sword*
Wait! *takes sword and enchants it with electricity* here ya go!
He's wearing a rubber suit, he'll be fine. The Monster won't though.
*takes electric sword1 and stabs the sea-monster* "What is a sea-monster doing in a pool anyway"
It's a deep pool. Probably migrated. *Rips open a bag of Skittles*
Dont you ever get tired of the rainbow?