
YES it is I!

1,150 posts
I'll do worse than him, Torrey. I'm starting to think you don't want any skittles, the amount you're talking.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Hehe. *Comes back with a cat* This him? XD
*Facepalm* Doubt it. Go kill some more. And give me the damn cat.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
It's dangerous to go alone, take this with you. *You recieve 1 Cat*
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
*Start laughing uncontrolably*
Good God... GO AND KILL SOME KAKASHI CLONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
*Does so*
Originally posted by Metropal*Start laughing uncontrolably*

DO YOU WANT ANY SKITTLES OR NOT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
*Stops laughing* Yes, please!
Here. *Gives you bag of 15 skittles* Now be silently angry.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
*Message in chat appears: "Giving kfc688 some 46." Suddenly there's a huge explosion* I didn't set off tnt! :D IT WASN'T ME! XD
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
*pulls out my hands and takes bag and pulls out skittles one by one* Yummy.
Originally posted by Charles*Message in chat appears: "Giving kfc688 some 46." Suddenly there's a huge explosion* I didn't set off tnt! :D IT WASN'T ME! XD

Don't use the god damn explosives... FIND THE REAL KAKASHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
(We should slow down for the actual Kakashi to get here...)
(I was thinking that.) *Prepares to call two apaches*
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Well sorry, Lewis, I'm a dwarf, I just had to! :D

TnT... :D
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
I thought it was gunpowder...
Nope. TNT stands for trinitrotoluene. TriNitroToluene, get it?
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
I get it. :D Now where's that Sulfuric Acid?
No, just use the gun.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Use. The. Gun. Damn. It. Charles. The. Acid. Is. Going. To. Cause. Too. Much. Damage.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Have you not seen the world? XD I don't think acid is going to matter.
You may kill the real Kakashi!!! He's the only one I want alive!!!
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Alright, alright.
Don't use the acid, unless you're sure the real Kakashi won't be hurt.
ModLevel 34
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Okay, I'll take a note of that
Good. Now go!!! KILL THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
*Wiggles while Ben's not looking.*
ModLevel 34
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I've got a gun pointing at your head. Trust me, I can see you.
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
*She smirks* I'm just so bored. *A loud sigh echoes out of her* Where is this plane going anyways?
It's a helicopter. And if you'd listened, you'd have known we're on the ground, waiting to pick up Charles and my orcs. *Shoots off your right ear* That's for being cheeky.
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
(Gosh, don't edit like that. I get confuddled) OWWWWWWWW, My ear!!! *Crimson blood flows down the side of her ivory face. She pushes her right hand against the hole, to stop it from bleeding.*
*Single orc decapitates five Kakashi clones*
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ModLevel 32
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(I changed my post^^)
(Apologises) *Orcs form a circle around the remaining Kakashi clones*
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ModLevel 34
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*Continues holding ear and whispers to self while watching the orcs* No, no, no, no...
*Charles begins killing Kakashi clones*

ModLevel 34
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*He smiled and doesn't say a word, while watching them destroy his clones, out of no where he pops up by Torrey and picks her up, Right before your eyes Kakashi and Torrey stand in front of you*
"However hard you try you will not be able to kill all my clones."
*Places Torrey down behind him and hands her skittles*
"You got caught up in this mess uhh Torrey?"
*He turns towards them and Gives the death stare to GangstaNinja, He starts to focus his chakra at the palm of his hand and then out of no where comes a stange sound of birds chirping, like thousands of them*
"How dare you say stupid sh!t that involes Rape/Torrey. YOU SHALL PARISH!"
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*Takes skittles gracefully, begins to nibble on them one by one* Thank you!! Your here. *Remembers ear and cover it quickly* Yeah, I kinda did. But that's just Sauron. He likes terrorizing me. *She watches with with, sparkly eyes as Kakashi begins his bird chakra*
*Boots Kakashi and Torrey out of chinook, picks up Charles and orcs, and flys away* Bwahahahahaha. You shall know pain, Kakashi, more than ever before... *Summons all my Black Magic, Dark Arts and Powers of destruction*
ModLevel 32
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(the almighty boot.)
*He turned towards Torrey with a silly smile*
"Its actually called Lighting Blade. But bird chakra sounds alright."
*He then turns to Sauron and notices what he summons, He acts fast and summons his reaper of death*
"Your Black Magic arts has no effect on my Reaper of Death."
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