Well then! Aren't you a little judgemental.
Aren't we all a little judgmental sometimes?
Humph! Fine, maybe a little.
lol *Runs aways after I.I.C.D.M.M Sauron but trips and falls*
Epic Fail :P
*Tries not to laugh at herself but ends up laughing*
Well that was so unsuspected. Thank you I.I.C.D.M.M Sauron ^_^
Damn, I was just kind. *Runs away before I can be kind again*
*Chases Sauron* Fraidy Cat!!!
I'm only scared of being kind!!!! *Shoots Torrey through the head with revolver*
*hand gestures "oh my f*cking god!"*
*Walks up to Torreys corpse, shoots it repeatedly, reloads and walks off*
*Just stands there shocked* :O
**starts laughing** BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! you guys are so stupid
*Polishing revolver* Wierd, maybe. Stupid? No. *Shoots some random guy walking past*
No don't shot me I like my head where it is!
Wasn't shooting you. But I might as well now. *Takes aim at Not Kevin's head*
Why don't you shoot me? I'm invulnerable to being shot...but the bullets reflect off me with 100% of their speed. So you can score ricochet kills
A Revolver eh?? good gun, but i prefer a Assault Rifle ^_^ and Geek of Rock. Besia Mi Culo Puto, Pinch Puta
hahaha just used google translate:D now ik what it means.im such a smart little child!
idk much spanish, but ik he called me a b.itch in there
umm i believe it a she?idk y a man wud hav the name "baby doll"
baby doll, i gotcho back!!!
Indeed. *Shoots Not Kevin dead*
watever, idc if its a dude or not. PAR L'EI RIOG MA SA'LENA!
ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR I'LL SHOOT YOUR DAMN NECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*laughs* I Am not a guy! xD i'll have to pull a Sauron and get violent with you Geek of Rock.
*Pulls out assault rifle then opens fire on Geek of Rock(empties whole clip on him)*
HA! i am impervious to bullets, besides, not one of them hit me anyway, seeing as how im already dead.
*Pulls out javlin missile launcher with modifications*
*pulls out nuke remote*lets get him,sauron!
.-. Ay dios mio. Ben, mal. -_- *takes javlin and puts a BIGGER missile in* PUT A BIGGER MISSILE IN NEXT TIME! :D
*Calls in German Panzer Tanks* >:D Let's see why the Brits failed to take Cean in Franceduring WWII 5-7 times. *pulls out Dragunov* I loves mah snipah rifles. Okay, let's do this shiz.
Dragunovs are terrible... *Locks and loads*
Meh, you use what you can get. I'll steal a better one later.... :D
Good. *Fires and Geek Of Rock is obliterated*
*fires a shot into the enemies' head*
obliterated? i told you im already dead
Indeed you are dead but now they have blown your soul into two!
oh, o ma gawd. im out of this
SOULS cannot be Split in two only if you have necromancer magic or The stuff.
Hello? I'm a necromancer. HINT IN THE NAME!!!!!!!!!! SAURON!!!!!
Yeah that's why i said that Sauron (:
Good, but I was talking to polokid.