Shark, I hereby revoke thee's ability to facepalm. Thou hast posted many a facepalmable comment.
Good. Now, come hither. The Headsman awaits.
Doth thou not know the procedure? In order to prevent thee from facepalming, thou's face shall be removed from thou palm's reach.
NONONONONONO STOP! Please stop *crying* I still want my hands.
Ah, good point. If we just cut off his head, he will still have the ability to palm faces. Headsman, today you shall double as a Handsman.
*still crying* I want my head too please stop. I'll do ANYTHING.
Nope. It's your hands or your face.
I want rwhite to give me the option not you
But he won't give you an option...
My opinion is that you ask Sauron for the option and lose one face or two hands. If you don't want that option, come to me. I will gladly take both.
How about i give you my left hand and my left foot
That will not prevent you from palming faces.
How about i will never face palm again with out violence
No. Hands or face, or I will take both.
Fine hands i guess. *winces and is still crying and now is weeping*
Place you hands upon this convient stone block. *Gestures at stone block*
Ok *puts them up on block* please make the right desision.
*Lifts Torry into the air and brings her down on sharkdog's wrists. A sickening crunch is heard, and as I pull Torrey away, sharkdog's lifeless hands fall from the block*
AAAAAWWWWWWWW. Please give me something to clot the bleeding please, PLEASE!!!
*Tosses you a bandage* Now use it. *Evil grin*
F.U.C.K u. u know i can't use it. U already took my hands can u be at least human
Fine be a jerk i dont care
You will care that I'm being a jerk when you faint or die from blood loss. Or would you prefer an older method of stopping the blood flow?
A. i dont know an older method
B. Im cloting it with my shirt.
I know an older method. And it's much tidier and far more effective than stopping it with your shirt, but it is far more painful.
*Slowly starts to grin* Hehehe... I would recommend this method. That is, if you want to live.
*Gets the flame thrower ready.* I exaggerate WAY to much. But it's fun for us vampires. >:D
Shark, I assume you see where this is going, so make the choice. Flamethrower, or bleed out?
Or we could stick his wrists in your furnace, Rwhite.
True. So, what do you say, shark?
Can u give me pain killers?
Painkillers are for noobs.
Fine do it then because I certainly can't do it myself.
I want a doughnut though.
You have taken my hands, won't give me pain killers, and and about to burn my hands/nubs.
Can I at lest have a doughnut?
No. *Picks up flame thrower* Hold out you hands.
Oh lets see I WANT MY DOUGHNUT and I have no hands. U have them.
Oh, yeah. Hold out your stubs.