Mhm. Definately! *winks, smiles and eats a cookie.* Want a cookie? *passes tray to Amy.*
*takes cookies* NooooooooOoooooOOOOOOo thoes are my weeeed cookies. ($)o($)
I proceed to call the police 'weedkillers' because they be taking MAH WEED.
*Tackle jumps Aj for the special cookies*
Raaaawrr! I'm a cookie monster! xD
And I am simultaneously disgusted and confused as to whats wrong with you people
We are high on cookies. Your arguement has been registered unvalid. Thank-you for calling, bye bye!
I get that you're high and horny, It's just you people are... odd
How'd ya get horny outta cookies?
Pass me some of those weed/horny cookies.
*Conjours up my own weed/horny cookies and, after giving two to Polokid, I eat them*
Male performance? Oh shoot.
*Laughs so hard she fell to the ground*
Yeah, I get horny from eating Weed cookies. lmfao.
*Slowly gets off the floor, and pulls another batch out, eats it slowly and watches you*
I like to ea- THEY'RE HERE!!!!!!!! *Zombies burst through the door*
Where did the roof go...OH MY GOD EVIL SPACE COWS!!! *The cows uses their udders to shoot everyone with milk*
Hahahahaha you guys are so fun- NAZI'S! *nazi's swing though windows like the swat*
Nazis, zombies and Evil Space Cows... This'll be a hard fight.
wow. . . Nazis, Evil Space Cows, Zombies, weed cookies, Horny Goat Weed. . . all because of "why do guys like boobs so much?". . . O_____o
Yup. That about sums it up.
*Looks confused while holding a Assault Rifle, witha Auto-shotgun strapped to her back*
"Sooooo, what happened to the Zombies? and the Evil cows?" xD
*Looks up slowly, with pistol in hand*
They're all dea- TAKE COVER!!!
*Second wave of zombies, Nazis, and evil space cows break through the windows*
*Empties Assault Rifle clips on the zombies, Then pulls out the Auto-shotgun for the Evil cows*
"I wanna play zombies now."
*hugs zombie* yaaaaaaaaayyy!
*laughs cause your all lame* BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
*sends a hoard hellhounds and evil rainbow unicorns that impale you on their horns"
heheh, suck my unicorns
*Pulls out double-bladed lightsaber and chops the hellhounds, unicorns, zombies, Evil Space Cows and Nazis apart*
*Chops your left arm off so the venom won't spread*
*25 kill streak* CALL IN TEH ROFLCHOPTER!!!!1!
*60 million kill streak* This is a lot of zombies, Evil Space Cows and Nazis...
*Her expression was WTF! She shrieked at the sight of her own blood. Slowly she calmed down and ripped a piece of her shirt, and tied it tight*
"Good move Ben, I could have been a zombie!"
*Sits there freaking out*
Actually, lightsabers are so hot they burn wounds close instantly.
Yup. That about sums it up. Thaks rwhite.