Saying "Cared?" is not rude, I am merely pointing out that the person made a mistake. If I laughed at said person for making such a mistake, that would be rude.
No, polokid said lol. I didn't. Look again. I did not laugh at said person.
[random post to stop this commotion]I like chicken.
basketballchick sauron is right not too pick sides but he is not being rude your partly right but sauron is trying too explain just let him do that.
Finally this arguement ends now back to the topic.
The topic of the-logical-thinking-puzzle-which-was-not-a-riddle-and-not-very-awesome-despite-the-forums-title? Even though we concluded it three pages ago?
booby nooby. SHUTUP. :D. ti tties
There is a man who is only capable of making logical decisions.
He is at the bank, and suddenly a robber comes in with a gun telling everyone to get down.
This man follows the robber's orders, but knows he can easily slip away.
Though after a while he looks at the robber thoroughly. Then he gets up and confronts the robber.
You changed the title!!!!!
Yeah. because I took your advice and i changed it into a logical thinking puzzle. You were right it was never A riddle so basically I followed your advice so solve the LTP.
yay like she said in your dreams no offense.
its a website!! I shorten things!!
OMG can somebody just answer the riddle.
If somebody doesn't answer the riddle OH GOD HELP I AM GONNA SHOT MYSELF!!!
um go ahead, whats the riddle
There is a man who is only capable of making logical decisions.
He is at the bank, and suddenly a robber comes in with a gun telling everyone to get down.
This man follows the robber's orders, but knows he can easily slip away.
Though after a while he looks at the robber thoroughly. Then he gets up and confronts the robber. thats the riddle so solve it.
That doesn't make sense. You ahven't given us a question, so you can't solve something which doesn't involve a question. The question could be: Why is the man doing this? or Who is the robber? These are just some examples.
The question is why did he stand up to confront the bankrobber?
You can see nothing else
When you look in my face,
I will look you in the eye
And I will never lie.
This is a riddle Sauron does it have a question in it?
Nope. But you can tell the question is what I am, as there are no other possible questions.
Shouldn't you just guess because this is a very harmless riddle and its not like your life depends on it or anything.
But of you simply want a question I will give you one.
There is a man who is only capable of making logical decisions.
He is at the bank, and suddenly a robber comes in with a gun telling everyone to get down.
This man follows the robber's orders, but knows he can easily slip away.
Though after a while he looks at the robber thoroughly. Then he gets up and confronts the robber.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because the robber is his friend? This is probably not the answer, it's a wild stab in the dark.
Nope that's not the answer.
well atleast there back to the question
What is the freaking answer.
And we've already answered it...
Then answer the old one then.
Random post this forum is dead someone need to revive it.