hey chuck norris want a yo mama joke contest?
I DECLARE MYSELF REF AND JUDGE!!!!!! Champion: Chuck Norris. Challenger: Darkrage. Darkrage goes first.
Excuse me? You think you can just go around and not add me.
Yo mamas so fat, they had to extend the alphabet to fit her braw size.
yo mama is so fatwhen she jumped in the pool the world flooded
Yo mamas so fat the sky was jelous of her moons.
yo mamas so fat evry1 thought she was jabba the hut
Yo mama's so fat when she started to dance everyone got knocked of of Earth
Yo mama is so fat she thinks the asteroid belt is in style!
yo mamas so stupid she got locked out of her motorcycle
Guys Attention: Don't poste anything after 9/10/11
I will tell you who is in the contest:TDOR Chuck Norris l FBG$ l : And I care Why
Judges:l.l.C.D.M.M. Sauron l FBG$l:Twinkie
Sorry But I looked and these are the best people.
The next contest will be 10/10/11
Actually, you might as well let him.
contest at 4:00. SEE YA DAR!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D IT'll BE EPIC LIKE ME!
Yo mama is like a vacume cleaner she sucks she blows and gets laid in the closet!
Yo mama's so fat, not even the Millennium Falcon can make her run in 12 parsecs!
It's a random one that I had when talking about the Millennium Falcon with someone.
Yo mamma is the Millennium Falcon.
Yo momma so fat, when god said let their be light, she had to move out of the way.
Yo mama so old she farts dust.
Yo mama so fat when she steps on the scale she sees her phone number.
Yo mama so stupid she tried putting M & M's in alphabetical order.
Yo mama so stupid/fat when her husband came in from shoveling and said "Its chilly outside." She ran out with a bowl and spoon.
Yo mama so fat she invented the crane.
yo mama is so poor when i throw a rock at a trash can she said "WHO KNOCKED".
yo mama so grouchy that the mcdonalds she works at doesnt even sell happy meals.
Yo mama like a chicken coop, cocks fly in and out all day.
You suck... yo mama does too, but she charges.
yo mama so old that when she was in school there was no history class.
Yo mama so old i told her to act her own age,and she died.
Yo mama so old the candles cost more than the birthday cake.
Yo mama so old she baby-sat for jesus.
Yo mama so old she walked in an antique store and they kept her.
Haha. That's funny man.. really funny.
Yo mamas so black, she went to night school and got marked absent. Yo mama so fat she has more rolls than a French bakery.
Yo mama's so fat... That's no moon...