*Performs Aztec human sacrifice on Charles, and then on myself*
Didn't they rip hearts out of their chests in front of their eyes?
Yep. I'd eat it afterward but thats just my preference.
Raw heart? That's barbaric. Warm it up first.
It loses it's protein that way.
Meeeeeeh. That's what I say.
I'm so sad. I always miss him.
Wow. This forum has gone downHILL.... Get it? Sorry, I'm tired today.
But I guess it works
Anyways. I've finally constructed my indestructible, unmovable, anti-magic, anti-Immortality, impenetrable castle in secret. My David.
Pees on the castle. Ima cat. I marked my territory. My Hill.
I thought only dogs pee to claim something's theirs
Lets sing the doom song now! Doom doom doom dooooom. ¤
Does anyone realize that the song IS NOT about rape?
The girl is not being raped. It's talking about the girl is sending the guy mixed messages, hint hint "blurred lines", on whether she actually wants to do the deed with him. He is just trying to convince the girl to make up her mind and that he thinks he is the better choice. Then I think it just talks about some sweet BDSM. :P
Thicker is still a douche. I don't respect hash tag abuse.
Thicker is still a douche. I don't respect hash tag abuse.
Thicke. Can't edit on the phone. I also said "rapey lyrics."