Well no. I'm not complaining about that. I'm questioning how can I be homosexual if hills don't have gender. Isn't that a big requirement for being one?
How do they even reproduce? :C
Sorry for another post directly after post but, why are there so many earthquakes at japan
when japan has a bunch of hills?
We reproduce by continental drift...which isn't very sexual.
And that is all part of the continental drift thing all over again.
Well, I know there's correlation...considering people die every few seconds...but I wonder if there's causation.
Well I don't feel special then. Maybe I should post more.
Or post meaner.
One of the two.
Well Jeff, it doesn't work like that.
/kick Jeff_Not_The_Killer:server:hill
Apparently he's thinking that these commands work here.
But nothing works anywhere.
Trust me.
O rly?
*Plants flag on hill* MY HILL.
Ow. Hey! Watch where you stick that flag.
*Goes into the cave on the hill* MY CAVE...
Wait..... The hill.... Has a soul.... It's alive.... So that means.. this cave is.....
I pray this is the top hole and not the bottom.....
*gargles an answer as the cave begins to close over. Sharp stalactites and stalagmites descend and ascend throughout the cave. Meanwhile a nauseous smell permeated throughout*
So it IS the mouth! You have bad breath. :P
Not really. Hills have weird lovecraftian innards. That is something you can't even comprehend.
I'm back b******!
I brought my Gf, The love is in the air!
*Shoots his gf repeatedly*
*Flying bunnies attack* MY HILL.
Jane not even online i think.I gave her my one profile i used to get my password
Hi jane. Last night you sat on me for like a hour.But it was fun :D
*Vomits rainbows and sunshine.*
That's weird for creepypasta standards.
I'm gonna miss being with my gf...
Well, have fun down there. Let me tell you. Watch out for the Flletiaroi down in the lower (2,1,5,3) hexadecitet of the Kai-Lorin Warthi Zone.
Okay. Well, I have my hidden blades and smoke bombs. :3
Don't worry. They don't even know the meaning of the word pain. Sucking your will to live is the nicest and most passive thing they do.