This topic is for games on the website or popular games enjoy
I sudjest that you guys play superfighters it's sooooooo much fun but I warn you it can be pretty hard some times.
i know and vecterstunt is a good one as well
I think you guys just killed this forum.
Assassination successful. *Climbs into helicopter and flies off*
The only thing that you succeded at is to spam my topic yo nub face
Really thats ur best comback
*Snicker* would be politically correct.
According to, snigger means snicker, although snicker is much more common.
Why don't we use my topic for what i made it for :)
I would but i have not thought of anygames
This is how it works:
1. Post forum.
2. Forum gets about 15 posts.
3. People with bad grammar get corrected.
4. Forum derailed.
5. Anything could happen.
There is a common path in that process where the forum turns into a RP war.
Then I get into the rp and the forum get's locked after 3 pages of strippers and booze....
i have not seen that but ... ok
Um what do you mean by RP
does it mean re post or something stupid
Hey wait a minute this forum is for posting fun games :(
I am thinking five to ten post before this forum gets derailed.
well this is a point and spam fourm now
Does Gamesbutler have any multiplayer games (online)
not with other people on the webcite
Don't they have chess, pool, darts, and connect four.
You may have this forum, as it is pointless and pathetic. :P