Carnage i thought it was a Mayan legend?
help the world is end in 2012 or not??
@ IHK2, I don't believe in spanish fairy tails either but i do believe in ur message but guess what I also believe god may have created the bigbang as a way to start everything so I believe god made everything so I would pray to god to let me live lol
excuse me, mexican fairy tails and @ Daisy_Angel, the world would most likley end in a way that everyone would be killed instantly so don't kill urself and go to hell for an unforgivable sin, just did instantly and hope o go to heaven.
Excuse me...AGAIN!!!! i meant die not did.
the world will end by a supernova in somewhere around a billion years. 2012 is not real, the aztecs probably stopped making the calender because they were too tired.
yeh the world will end if every one in the world is not a sinner anymore
tell justin beiber how much sucks at singin, i might punch him too
the aztecs belived the world is destroyed and reborn every 40,000 years the gaps in between destruction and rebirth are called "ages" we are in the 12th "age" wich is set to end on 24th december 2012 (the aztecs didn't have christmas so they didn't know how much of a bummer this would be for everyone) and lhk2 it five billion years. i myself belive in science not aztec fairytails
Hmm, aztec fairy tales or unproven Science? I really don't care, what's the point in knowing when the world ends. I would kind of be depressed to know when I would die. Expecially, if it is in five minutes. Buuuuut, that's just me.
it is a Mayan legend. they just did not go with the calanders anynore
Haha, i'm sure you would.
Nah, I'm not that flexibal, Taylor, Sdou, and Alle are. ;)
Ha ha ha...if you only knew XD
You wish you knew :) jk. Haha, i meant like in person XD
Aw..... where do you live. :D
lmao, far from you XD I live in Texas.
:/, I'm going on a busines trip to dallas soon soon ;)
Haha, oh yeah? Hmm, Dallas is like 4 hours from me XD
i'd fill up a whole sperm bank in one session
its good for future reference
Interesting, well, I certainly don't think 2012 is real, nor would I care if it were, we are human, we are born sinners, and this time, Jesus isn't here to save us for our sins... If only MJ were still alive, his songs taught me to change my ways... Perhaps he could change this damned world..
Thats so wrong Charles. We may be perverts, but at least we are christian perverts. SOMEBODY GIVE ME forgetING MANLY HIGHFIVE!
get a laptop with fast internet than buy a ufo on ebay get the hell out of here and go to
King, are you kissing arse?
Jole: *Manly high five*
Ben: No.....
Charles your order is completely backwards.
*dodges* WHAT THE HECK MAN!??!
Torrey: Yush, Fraulein