and bought crap that i'll probably forget about tomorow
that tasted gud so i threw up lol
then decied to go to the park
and said Waffles eat cheese!
and then the lava turned into an abyss ( and for some of u who dont no wat an abyss is it is a bottomless hole )
and then i sued the park owner for having a random abyss in his park
and played until i waz blind
and suddenly i becam deaf from the "yushee's" of mario 64. and bought a 3ds
and played that until the world ended
then since everyone waz dead i went to c god and he sed:
i got attacked buy a purple sausage with a unicorn horn that pooped rainbows so i stabbed it in the eye with a fork
and then it ran away so i followed it to a.....
gas station bathroom stall and punched its face 76 times, kneed it in its unicorn nuts and drowned it in the toilet which had a turd in it
ate the turd barfed, ate the barf, made another dude eat it he barfed i slipped on the barf broke my back went to the hospital jumped out of the window landed on 10 puppies then i wiped the puppy guts of my pants and started to walk
i saw a dead chicken so i ate it and got bird flu and flew to hong-kong to find the cure in a jungle
the cure waz in the earths core so i had to.....
drill down in a huge drill mad by a super smart talking monkey named bo-bo and the ship was called the s.s. doodie balls
it blew up when it got to the core creating a earthquake that wiped out all life exept 1 guy with flip flops
so he started new life somehow and everyone wore flipflops called flipfloptopia
and they all got really bad athletes foot and had to chop off there feet
so then they all walked on their hands and evolved were they always walked on their hands
so thena person with feet walked into their town and they (plentaful13 ur suppose to type something that ties in with the story)
wriped his feet apart for
having feet and that insulted them
then they all fell asleep and dreamed they were pigeons above a crowded street
and they were happily cruding on everyone below so the people.....
took out machine guns and......
shot themselves in their belly-button because......
they hacked and spammed every gamesbutler and youtube.
and they felt guilty but wen they shot each other in the belly button they didnt die so they had to live the rest of their live wit mutated belly buttons
and they were forced to go to the pool with spongebob shirts on
but their belly buttons still showed and everyone laughed