*Accidentally whacks Allison with a cudgel*
and knocks her head off. and then aj and allison get back together
really ...............serillisy
Bloody hell.... you can't get roleplay can you?
I was talking to both of you.
yay. and neagh. Well she just says things like that.
what the hell is the grr bout?
She says it cause she think I am beastie.
Ha, but of course aj XD You wouldnt know about that jack..hehe.
wait. cuz u no it s true about what i sed before my last comment
I said grr cause your annoying...and your just a odd person.
WHAT THE HELL IS THE WORD FOR GAWD SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Its a sound, or kind of growl.
I looked it up and it was ga.y so.
its true. aj is right. i looked it up too. it is
This forum has gone so bloody off topic...
all of the mdo; except for the gamers
whats up with the blank comment
Tut tut, I'm reporting that.
whatever. apparently u r not. cuz there was nothing u can report
Probably because you deleated it. um um
no boondocks is a black based getto show.
meat in your mouth(this is to salami)
Still gross.
anyways good is to Allison
someones going try hard right now.
Nice revival on the month this forum died.
SHUSH POLOKID!!!! I loved this forum.