So then Ignore the little thing that happened earlier...Zitta doesn't attack me then
You probably dont know wat the Creed is then since the Creed states that Thou shall not harm the innocent
Me? Innocent? HAHAHA! That's funny my lord...Me, ever innocent...Haha sure...Not after I've burned that village...and killed the 500 living there..
true. it also states that Thou shall not harm those who have not commited wrong. and you havnt done anything wrong that i'd disaprove of yet. and plus she knows your my ally so she wont do anything to you
I'd hope not..Only Alice get's to do things to me(HAHAH I made a funny)
*Goes to visit Alice in the Infirmary, putting out my cigarette*
lmao and theres definatley not a hidden security camera in each room to record everything and i do mean EVERYTHING that goes on in the castle
the battle is almost won and we havn't lost a single warrior even though were greatly outnumbered. They have us surrounded, 100 to 25. they come at us in 3 somes (lmao not the way your thinking of) as we each get 3 to take care off. on top of that we have to watch out for the archers and use our unique abilities to escape unharmed and without a trace. we take care of most of them and throw a smoke bomb on the floor. we perform a tactical retreat because of the hundreds of more soldiers coming at us and we scale the buildings. Giovanna gets shot in the leg with an arrow and he falls into a conviently placed haystack.his sister Giovanna chases after him as i see that 11 of us our wounded, 10 of us our carrying the wounded, and 1 is below us, surrounded by guards. i jump down an Assassinate 2 of them as my 5 free allies come down and aid me. we surround our wounded friend in a circle, taking out our swords and fighting them off. our wounded at the top of the tower fire crossbows to help us as the rest join in the fight.
"Were not gonna make it!!" yells Mario(no not the plumber)
"Oh yes we are" i say as i yell NOW!!!
Then a storm of arrows come down on the battlefield as we take cover using there bodies. I se Giovanna on the floor knocked out and i jump ontop of her
our enemies are dead, and i stand over Giovanna with an arrow pierced through my stomach. i fall on top of her, not moving at all.........
MEDIC!!! yells all of my Assassins as they search for help. our biggest Assassin Brock picks me up and puts me up against the wall so i can lean against it.
I gain conciousness and say "Leave me my brothers. im good as dead, and the thousandds of soldiers behind you are too much for us anyway."
I sit against the building as i watch our enemies grow closer, i take out a rifle and yell GO!! to my allies as they look down at the ground and retreat. "It was an honor serving with you" says most of them as they say there goodbyes. Others hug me and thank me for all that i've done. Then the leader of our enemies, Percival Johnson appears on horseback. "It seems the mighty Peter has fallen, wat a glorious day!" "Eat mierdia!!" says Peter as i take fire my rifle at his head. He dodges and runs up and stabs me in the chest. i fall down on my knees and look up at him. i spit on his face as he slits my throat and i fall down, lifeless and with honor.......
My Assassins come back with the bad news. Giovanna kneels before Charles and says "He's dead....... all because of me......." she looks down and tears drop down to the floor. "If i didnt get hurt he would have never died!!"
me and the aliens dont wanna fight, we all have a game of monoply on MY HILL
The battle feild is desolate, lifeless bodies, warriors here, assassins there, peirced humans, men, female, on the ground. Robers croud the battle feild, searching for spare change from fallen heros to feed their families. The clouds turn dark and rain falls at a steady pace. Robbers, discouraged, return to their alleys or streets. Clouds part and I flow down from the clouds. Looking at fallen Assassins, Warriors, and The Great General Peter. I slowly fly over to peter. I dig around in my toga's pocket, and pull out super glue and tweesers. I pull out the arrow and ****ments. Then I cover the wound on hest stomac and neck with super glue. *SMACK* I wip my have across Peters face. "Uhu!!" Peter hollars. "Hand up?" I say. I give him a hand up and walks him to his lair.
and dam NOOBZ i wish i would have thought of that.
"Do not worry Giovanna(surprise surprise i know everyone's name haha!), I am a Dragon of Light...I shall heal our lord..."
*I step outside and turn into a dragon...Fly to peter(btw we're ignoring you aj...I took peter's hint of Giovana comming to me for help)and as I look down, our enemies party in the darkness of night...Alas I have been corrupted though I am still a healer...I grow closer to becoming a dark dragon everyday....*"This may be my last day as a Dragon of Light...Forgive me father for I have and will sin...."*I burn the army....However their leader and 500 of them escape and I come down and touch Peter on the forehead with my claw..It heals him and he is revived...HORRAY!*"Well my lord...I'm afraid eternal damnation is my current destiny...I still have all my powers because our holy father has given me another chance...When Alice get's out I have to heal the wounded while she kills people or I'll be damned....for good"I say with a sigh, then a serious glare in my eyes
*Meanwhile at some conveniently secret cave*"Dammit they have a dragon!?!?!?!?!?"Yells Percival Johnson in shock..."We stand no chance against them as long as they have that dragon...However they have no leader, now they're dis organized and savage.."*Percival laughs maniacly!*"HAHAHAHAHA! WE MAY STILL WIN THIS BOYS!"Percival yells."B..b...b.b.ut h,...have...a..a.a..another,....thier...midst..>?"A soldier said unsure if his commander would ruthlessly shoot him in the head for that."Oh? I didn't see one."Percival says."Our hawk spies(they've trained hawks to spy on us...Peter doesn't know tthat and he thinks I"m wierd for killing hawks everyday for I know wat they are)have reported an Alice Crestmere to be a Hellfire Dragon...And the dragon we saw...The white and lime green one...Was Charles Kays of the Crusaders...They are both dragons.."The soldier said"Well boys we gotta come up with a plan..."Percival says.
*back at the Playboy Mansio-ER-Peter's Palace!*"Alice how are you feeling?"*me and Alice engage in a big conversation...Then I am called for a meeting*I gotta go now, love you."I say
*edited part*(I hope you all know I wasted 5 minutes typing this)
"Hmmm....Well It's been a day so I should get back to work"*climbs out of bed, changes, and goes outside*"Haha finally some fresh air"
"I gotta bust a move, drop and bust a groove. Fealing fine, got and evil crew to lick my 9. Till then I'll *** on your **** and ******* thats all! Fha chizzle my yillze yall!" A golden dragon flys down in front on Peter and the dragons. "Halloz!" He says in a new yorky accent. "I'z travels here ta help with da, da..." "Concuring?" Charles sighs, becoming bored. "Yeh da concuring!! Letz me introduce my selves. I.... am the Golden Dragon of Time." The dragon holds up a large pimp clock on his cheast and then turnes to smoke. "And I would lovez to help with da...." He shows up on the other side of the room. "Concuring..." Alice says, also becoming bored. "Yeah whateva. So..." He turnes to smoke and turns back right in front of Peter. "...may I join?" His body starts to shrink into a human form. "It iz I! AJ... z!"
*voice carries up from pit* I'VE FOUND MY HEAD!!!!!!!! REST OF MY BODY CAN'T BE FAR AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*voice carries up from pit* "HAVE ANY OF YOU SEEN MY SHARD KEY?"
i walk in and shoot u all
Right, I smack Ikillyou so hard I killed him. "Har! I kill you Ikillyou!.
*voice carries up from pit* "AJ HAVE YOU SEEN MY SHARD KEY?"
Yeah I saw it on your cofeetable of doom.
*voice carries up from pit* PASS IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*I pass it down*"Aj have you played WoW? There's a bronze dragon of time called Nozdormu in the game.."I say...And Alice wouldn't say-...Actually she does say whatever like that...haha you're right on the money...
"Oh by the way AJ...YOU'RE NOT SNOOP DOGG SO WHY WOULD YOU TALK LIKE THAT?!" I say creeped out....
"So um....Storm...I see...I s...see you've...found...your head.....well..uh...that...that's great for you....please find your one of my "younger" Crusaders freaks out and attacks you....Even though you'd take him/her out easily....but still...before I your "Pit of eternal damnation"
*Ikillyou get's up...apparently he's not dead...He shoots me, Alice, and AJ...I laugh at his stupidity for no weapon can kill a dragon...and I've been blessed by God so if you kill me, I come back and kill you then revive my allies...I tail whip Ikillyou into the wall and he dies...a I slowly cut his flesh...licking the blood from my Oricalcum Blade....I finally cover him in gasoline and light a match..."NO PLEASE PLEASE DON'T DO THAT TO ME!!!!!" He screams...I don't listen...I slowly bring the match closer to his toes....I get pleasure from his screams of fear(and Alice's joyous screams hahaha)and finally....I touch his toes with the match and he catches on fire....*In a cool voice(as usual)*" BURN IN HELL!"
*Oh nvm about my comment about alice saying whateva....I see that was you aj*"So what now?"
I lay down and rest as soon as i am revived. Giovanna comes in and jumps on top of me and kisses me. then things take off from there and i once again, make another girl's dream come true. I go to my secret entrance in the palace and end up in a room filled with Assassins. There are quite a few wounded and the rest are sitting there resting there minds. They are surprised to see me and we all shake hands and talk. "So how goes the attack Maestro?" says Ulrich. "Biene biene. I have a plan. We are going to steal there armor and you guys are gonna take me in captive. Then as soon as we get into their fort, i will give the battle cry and we shall crush our enemies!" (for those of you who dont know some words i say are Latin cause i know a few words from playing Assassins Creed. hehe and they say playing video games is bad for you)
*They go off and get the armor and Peter in captivity.*
Oh wait! Before you go shall I heal with wounded?
no. they have been trained to deal with this. *They appear at the front gates and are let in, little did they know, that they'd be in for the battle of their lives...(this would make a great end of a chapter in a book, lol)
more like Bin in for THE BATTLE OF THEIR LIVEZ!!!! Joking. I got to go for and hour and a half.
"Also sir...Here are some profiles of my Crusaders"*Hands you files....You read them...(the files contents are as follows)*
Crusader Files
AKA-Charles Kays
Rank-High Commander
Details-Can pick locks, is a dragon, is very sly(HENCE MY NAME!) and cunning, Handsom(HEY ALICE WROTE THAT IN THE ACTUAL PROFILE!btw the other member's names are changed to protect their identities), smokes, IQ of 170, outgoing.
AKA-Alice Crestmere
Rank-Brigade General
Details-Mischievous, hot(that one was me putting it in), hunts, good shooter, dragon, (If you slap me for this Alice...that'll tell me you really love me)Has a tattoo on her upper left thigh(lol), can pick pockets, IQ of 174.
*Peter get's bored reading the files and just reads the names of people....Sugetsu, Kazarin, Shiv, Scratch, Takara, Eric,...etc.*
*edited part*I've teleported to you in a shadowy form because i'm a Crusader Assassin...I hand you the files*
"A SEXY dragon tattoo might I add..."
*I slap Charles*"Yeah sure...I bet you liked seeing my upper thigh yesterday too!Hahaha....And yes...I am sexy Charles...thanks for noticing everyday..."
*Not phased by the slap*"Well that hurt...So I guess you love me? I love you too....So then...Wanna hide in the forest and "talk" where Peter can't see us?"
"No. This is a job for TAC, you really dont know what your getting into here. These aren't just any soldiers now.*looks up atthe gates before they enter* These are animals, savages...super soldiers. with a single punch, they can break every bone in oyur body or kill you. they can tear you apart limb by limb in a matter of seconds. Im going in with TAC only, and if i even see you come in this battle, i wont hesistate to put an end to you and your crusaders lives."
*Charles disappearas as TAC enters the gates. As soon as the gates close, Percival comes up to me and kicks me in the gut. I fall down and he says "Kiss my feet and i'll show you mercy." "Never" i leap up and take out my hidden blade and go for the kill. he catches my hand and the attack begins. We have TAC spread out all ofver the place, on the roofs, on the ground, surrounded by numerous enemies. but this time we came with moer than just our 25 elites. The battle rages on as i call forth more of my Assassins from battle as Percival flees from our epic sword fight(no now its my 100 against his 350 and slowly decreasing. i gather my 7 full fledged Assassins and tell the mthe plan. "I will chase after Percival. I want you 3 leading the frontal assault so more of our Assassins can come in. You 2 go up and provide support with your crossbows and rifles. You other 2, go around and help where you can"
I chase after Percival and end up falling into his trap. Peter thinks to himself, the walls start closing in, soldiers coming at me in all dirrections, 50 meters to climb if i wanna get out alive, but the walls are covered in barbed wire. Dam
Peter fights off some warriors and sees a rope drop down. Zita is up there holding the rope "Quick Quick!!" she yells as she desperatley holds on and fights for her life upstairs. i jump off of soldiers heads like Mario(yes the plumber) and climb the rope. as i near the top, Percival comes out of nowhere behind her and pierces her chest with the sword. 'NOOOO!!!!!!" i yell as i fall to what could be my eternal resting place. As i fall, so does her throwing knifes which land on both of my eyes as i hit the ground. i am now blinded, injured on my legs, and screwed....
i feel for the wall and get pricked by the wire. "Ahh Merdia" i say as i have to climb the barb wire. i start climbing as blood drips from my hand and flesh is removed from my body. i make it up to the top just as the walls close in. "You dont know how long i've waited for this" says Percival as i desperatley try to stand up. He stabs me in the arm and i scream in agony. he stabs my other limbs and says "Now for the finishing blow" as he prepares toimpale me in the chest..... He freezes and drops down to his kness, lifeless and in the blink of an eye. Zita appears behind him, bleeding and on her last leg. She takes me and leans me up on the highest point of the tower, as i listen to the sound of metal clanging. she sits besidse me and we wait for the batle to be over.
*I come out of nowhere at rescue you both...retreating with you on my back*"I'm sorry but I knew you'd be in trouble...Kill me if you will but I just saved your"
Ulrich comes up to me and says Oh my god shes dead. he picks up her lifeless body and carries her on his back as i tell him to take her back to the Castle. I stand at the very edge of the top and yell THE BATTLE IS WON!! PERCIVAL IS DEAD!!!*ithrow his lifeless body down to the ground. the super soldiers lay down their weapons and surrender as everyone cheers.i fall foward and smile just as Charles comes and catches me.
"Dammit you've tired yourself out(NO HO.MO!)...You must rest my lord...."
the super soldiers quickly pick up their weapons and kill all my assassins with a stab to their heart as they are distracted. i scream loudly and say Percival!! YOU WILL PAY FOR WAT YOU HAVE DONE!!
*Alice runs out....And stabs them all,killing them in human form...Your jaw drops wide as you see her true skills*"Haha that's my Alice for you"*I lay you down and grab my Oricalcum gun and knife...Then I join Alice..Tis a bloody battle and we are left with 10 soldiers surrounding us as we are tired...*"Back to back?"Alice asks"sure"I say*I lock my arms in alice's and we stand back to back as I lift her in the air and she kicks 5 of the soldiers down*
"Damn there's to many!" I say as we are backed into a corner by the soldiers...Now there are 15....*One of the soldiers throws a knife at Alice at full speed...I quickly shield her and get stabbed in the back by the knife...with a 6 inch blade..."GACK! DAMMIT!"I say...I fall to the ground...Not dead but incapacitated
No. I will find and kill him myself. he has just wiped out my entire race, my brothers... My Brotherhood.... As we near the castle i jump off to the sounds of 2 of my fellow assassins who must have gotten away. my 2 best, Master Auditore or John Auditore(from Halo's Creed, just check my background) and Ulrich. "Wats the situation?"
"They just breached our defenses and ambushed us. We are losing this battle sir"
*I get up despite my pain and grab Alice, I jump off of broken bricks sticking out of the castle...We escape to the roof and meet up with you*"Dammit! This knife hurts will someone pull the damn thing out already?!?!?!"
"You two, hold down the perimeter and DONT DIE." I go off in search for Percival and see him slicing the throats of one of the citizens of the castle. (The castle is a huge fort and inside the fort are buildings filled with people.)
i pull out the knife and throw it at his head. he catches it and throws it at my eye and i laugh. HAHa DIDNT FEEL A THING!! I pursue after him and yell Charles and Alice fly around and burn these mother f**kers to the ground!!
YES SIR!*Me and Alice fly around and burn the place...The last of us Crusaders are me, Alice,Raven, Shiv,Kazarin,Scratch,Monarch, and Hawk.
Auditore is doing extremley well being paired up with Ulrich. he is skilled in his pistol and sword as ulrich pwns with his crossbow and hand to hand combat
I chase Percival around the corner and i get smacked in teh head with a metal pipe(no I wake up strapped to a chair, in a dark room, with all of my weapons gone