just continue the pattern! oh and you cant go twice in a row, i'll start
99 bottles of beer on the wall!! 99 bottles of beer!!! Take one down pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall!!!
(next person says98 bottles of beer on the wall!! 98 bottles of beer!!! Take one down pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall!!! and so on and so on) oh and who ever takes down the last bottle wins!!
98 bottles of beer on the wall!! 98 bottles of beer!! Take one down and pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall!!
(its edited now)
no Metropal at the end since you took one bottle down it becomes 97.
97 bottles of beer on the wall!! 97 bottles of beer!! Take one down and pass it around 96 bottles of beer on the wall!!
(this is a great song to sing with your buds)
96 bottles of beer on the wall!! 96 bottles of beer!! Take one down and pass it around 95 bottles of beer on the wall!!
ya thats how ya do it Tom!!
95 bottles of beer on the wall!! 95 bottles of beer!! Take one down and pass it around 94 bottles of beer on the wall!!
(you know all you guys gotta do is copy and paste the phrase and then just change the numbers right?)
94 bottles of beer on the wall!! 94 bottles of beer!! Take one down and pass it around 93 bottles of beer on the wall!!
93 bottles of beer on the wall!! 93 bottles of beer!! Take one down and pass it around 92 bottles of beer on the wall!!
i'm pretty drunk now
92 bottles of beer on the wall!! 92 bottles of beer!! Take one down and pass it around 91 bottles of beer on the wall!!
91 bottles of beer on the wall!! 91 bottles of beer!! Take one down and pass it around 90 bottles of beer on the wall!!
90 bottles of beer on the wall!! 90 bottles of beer!! Take one down and pass it around 89 bottles of beer on the wall!
89 bottles of beer on the wall!!89 bottles of beer!! take one down pass it around 88 bottles of beer on the wall!
88 bottles of beer on the wall 88 bottles of beer. Take one down pass it around 87 bottles of beer on the wall!
87 bottles of beer on the wall 87 bottles of beer! Take one down pass it around 86 bottles of beer on the wall!!
86 bottles of beer on the wall 86 bottles of beer! Take one down pass it around 85 bottles of beer on the wall!!
(wow this is going faster than expected. Keep it coming!!)
85 bottles of beer on the wall 85 bottles of beer! Take one down pass it around 84 bottles of beer on the wall!
you were disowned
(dont worry iam doinging this to everyone so dont feel left out >;D)
84 bottles of beer on the wall 84 bottles of beer! Take one down pass it around 83 bottles of beer on the wall!
lmao wow
83 bottles of beer on the wall 83 bottles of beer! Take one down pass it around 82 bottles of beer on the wall!
82 bottles of beer on the wall 82 bottles of beer! Take one down pass it around 81 bottles of beer on the wall!
81 bottles of beer on the wall 81 bottles of beer! Take one down pass it around 80 bottles of beer on the wall!
80 bottles of beer on the wall 80 bottles of beer! Take one down pass it around 79 bottles of beer on the wall!
79 bottle of beer on the wall!!79 bottle of beer!!take one down pass it around 78 bottles of beer on the wall!!
78 bottle of beer on the wall!!78 bottle of beer!!take one down pass it around 77 bottles of beer on the wall!!
77 bottle of beer on the wall!!77 bottle of beer!!take one down pass it around 76 bottles of beer on the wall!!
76 bottle of beer on the wall!! 76 bottle of beer!!take one down pass it around 75 bottles of beer on the wall!!
Oh and btw, you were all adopted
74 bottle of beer on the wall!! 74 bottle of beer!!take one down pass it around 73 bottles of beer on the wall!!
73 bottles of beer on the wall!!73 bottles of beer!! take one down pass it around 72 bottles of beer on the wall!!
72 botles of beer on the wall!!72 botles of beer!!take one down pass it around 71 bottles of beer on the wall!!
71 bottles of beer on the wall!!71 bottles of beer!!take one down pass it around 70 bottles of beer on the wall!!
70 bottles of beer on the wall!!70 bottles of beer!! take one down pass it around 69 bottles of beer on the wall!!
70 bottles of beer on the wall!!70 bottles of beer!!take one down pass it around 69 bottles of beer on the wall!!
when we get to the end you'll laugh your a$$ off. i have something freaking hillarious to say
68 bottles of beer on the wall!!68 bottles of beer!!take one down pass it around 67 bottles of beer on the wall!!
Peter you screwed up there
67 bottles of beer on the wall 67 bottles of beer take one down and pass it around 66 bottles of beer on the wall!!!!
your right. i think im just gonna skip down to 10
10 bottles of beer on the wall, 10 bottles of beer!!! Take one down pass it around! 9 bottles of beer on the wall!!!
9 bottles of beer on the wall, 9 bottles of beer!!! Take one down pass it around! 8 bottles of beer on the wall!!! Yoshi......
8 bottles of beer on the wall, 8 bottles of beer on the wall, take one down, pas it around, 7 bottles of beer on the wall
7 bottles of beer on the wall, 7 bottles of beer!! take on down, pass it around, 6 bottles of beer on the wall!!!
6 bottles of beer on the wall, 6 bottles of beer!! take on down, pass it around, 5 bottles of beer on the wall!!!
5 bottles of beer on the wall, 5 bottles of beer!! take on down, pass it around, 4 bottles of beer on the wall!!!
4 bottles of beer on the wall, 4 bottles of beer! take one down, pass it around, 3 bottles of beer on the wall!!!!
oh and just so you know, im gonna do the 1 bottle beer on the wall, so no one do that one
1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottles of beer!! take on down, pass it around, 0 bottle of beer on the wall!!! Ahh we are out.... I WIN!
1 freaking bottle of beer on the wall!!! One freaking bottle of beer!!....... wait a second theres only one bottle left!!! We're all gonna die!! lol
thats wat these drunk dudes were singing while they were on the wall getting arrested. then the cop goes "now was there any point in wasting a half hour of my time singing that s**t?" and they look at each other and go nope. but it was a great song, then one of them got smacked with the baton on the back of the head
its a "you had to be there moment"
yep. and i forgot the really funny thing i was gonna say, so i had to come up with something else
Eh not funny realy....Tis would be funny if I saw it
yep. im not to good at coming up with jokes on the spot though sometimes