Originally posted by AlexdocOriginally posted by |FBG$| RwhiteIndeed. I hate Naurto.Originally posted by (;EPIC;) prplandblkThis forum is OBVIOUSLY for rating ur AVATAR and LEAVING. I dont know why Naruto had to keep posting and posting and posting! I know ur all gonna be all 'WHY DIDN'T U LEAVE BLAH BLAH BLAH'. Cause I wouldve left if I didnt see 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 posts from Naruto about how awesome he is and wat-not! RRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!
Do you realize that you have the most posts on this page? Don't tell people to stop posting on a public forum when you are posting even more. At least Sharkdog (I don't know where you got 'Naruto' from, his name is right in front of you) is being productive, whereas you are posting a ton of pointless junk and complaining nonstop.
Hes nice to me