Listening to Animal by Neon Trees. It's taking a bite out of my heart tonight. :D
Random exclamation time!!!!
Bing bong, yicadidy, yicadido, bing bong, yipeetapitota.
That can be the new word to replace vast.
Immensely Immense.
But I came up with the word, now listen to the fcking music and enjoy the rainbow!
they are so tasty...i want some now.
*gives you skittlez*there you go
*Takes skittlez* Thank you! *chews on orange skittle*
*Steals skittles and shoots GangstaNinja and Torrey*
*My ghost haunts you for the rest of eternity*
Yeah, I don't really care.
lol *shoves 3 bags worth of skittles in Ben's mouth* TASTE THE FCKING RAINBOW!
Someone's gotta big mouth.
XD You gave birth to him, a wolf is the father.
What? Wolves are EPIC!!!!!
How's that supposed to happen?!
Ben, again, wolves are awesome... And Torrey, I just (JOKINGLY)implied you were a bi.tch cause dogs can only mate with dogs
*Whispers* I'm scared to answer, he's watching me....
*Whispers* I'm scared to answer, he's watching me....
*Watches Charles intently in a non-stalker fashion*
*Whispers* Then I'll assume the worse.
* Surreptitiously signals a "yes" in a code not familiar to Ben*