I'm bored... fallout time!
I'm a Brony, and I don't rage. :3
I'll take your hate comments now. :3
Sir Charles this not for hate but is simply another topic that I made because i'm bored and bronies don't deserve to live.
and I thought the world was bad enough
The fail in this forum is too damn high.
i watched some my little pony and said "I'm bored" because the concept is completely retarded (death note is only 5 bagillion times better :) )
I don't like MLP, But it is quite pathetic to make a forum about hating on it.
is your avatar a space katt?
If its a slice of everyday life then why are they needing to train to get strong enough to make a tornado thingy for what ever reason because I forgot. I'm pretty sure shows like this one team up to steel each others ideas to reuse them every other season or something they made it pretty obvious when I watched cartoons.
i have veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery bad news. My brother is a brony. luckily I have been able to keep a low profile around the house.
Wait, doesn't this forum count as a flame war, as in an illegal activity on this website?
Yes. It's an attempt to stir up hatred. So I'll report it to Dom, as Kerk is OBVIOUSLY intentionally trying to vex bronies.