A strong impulse to steal.
My fingers are like magnets.
_____________/_________o/__________ omfg shark :)
Hehe not true Aj. I'm saving myself for who ever catches me(;
I'll catch you Amy, if you let me.
idk bored i gues and just wanted to make this forums
Lol. Serously "Love hurts bad"?! LOL *Laughing on floor* What does it even mean?!
love is just a camouflage for despair and suffering, or at least a precursor to. but maybe thats just me, i've f*ck*d things up with the girl i love so many times i'm beginning to question if love is real or not. :/
love is real its just has to determined by the right people. to actually have love or feel love we need the right people. many times in are lives we will think were in love but were really not, theres only one person in the world thats PERFECT for us and thats our sould mate. Sometimes itll take people years to find thier soul mate. But dont ever think love isnt real because it is it's just that u havent found it yet and trust me you will.
forever the optimist. but i hope to God your right
hey without optimists this world would be god knows where......
same place, just without any major religion.
i have to disagree.....i think that without optimists we would be without major religion but it would be worse to....i mean we would have no inventions because all the pestimists would give up
so without optimists i think that we would still be a bunch of neanderthals running around trying to survive.....bc of optimists we r where we r today and that may not be great but its better than nothing
omptimists isnt real, its a fake science fiction movie.
not to be mean and all but by the way u talk u r basically a grade a pestimist
and i dont see why people are pestimists i mean its just strange to me. dont u wanna be able to think for example that there is something after this life and that all our ancestors are safe wherever they are now.
another example may be is that if you dont have a girlfriend/boyfriend dont u wanna still know that there is someone out there for you and you will find them and not be all like i cant get nobody im done with girls/boys
being a pestimist doesnt help u at all i mean like i know optimisim may get annoying but itll get u farther in life then if u dont believe in anything good or think anything will turn out good its just better to be optimistic about things
I'm trying to move on from my ex but it's hard.... Plus, she moved on so quickly and still wants to be friends. If she want's to stay with her controlling bf, fine by me... But when she cries to me when he does something, I may not even be alive......
oh well im sorry about that....if u wanna talk im here (this goes out to anyone else that is haveing relationship problems or issues)
idk i know so much about this type of stuff i just do, i think its just the way i think :)
Well now that you say that....i could use your help with the girl im crushing on ( i figured u could be helpful u no since your a girl and all)
yes it is true when u like a girl i honestly think u should ask a friend that is a girl because they know more than us guys about girls. and that is a fact indeed.
haha well id think lol.......but i mean this may seem weird idk but id ask a guy about guys if i didnt know.......cuz they know more to but yea i havent had the need to so yea haha
nah its not weird (to me) if guys ask girls for advice why cant girls ask guys.......it makes perfect sense
haha i killed a forum lmao
its not dead if people keep posting so as oppose of right now the forum is living
it's dead because pickleman over here killed it with his stank
no thanks im straight i aint ****
lol im done wth the forum so i end it wth, CHEETOHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My ex dumped me on the last day of school
that must suck.....sorry bout it
I like reviving your dead forums lol :D
my ex cheated on me so its not tht bad