I make some [or a lot of] mistakes because English isn't my total fluent language.
Portuguese is different from English, on how to write a word and how to organize sentences. So, if I wrote a sentence without structure, you could at least correct me, and then I probably will stop to write wrong.
Now, I want to see you, Charles, write in Portuguese without make verb conjugation mistakes!
Sofia: One
Charles: Zero
Nope, Sofia: 0
Charles: 1
Taylor you OBVIOUSLY don't know the rules of trolling. Since Sofia has argued with me, no matter how valid it may be, she loses and I win because of Rule 14, Section 1 of the internets: DO NOT argue with Trolls, it means THEY WIN.
Go back to your cave troll.
But you still lose, so HA!
Ah, I do not lose for I am still being argued with, keep feeding the troll >:) Om nom nom nom.
Haha, see but i'm talking about Charles not his little inner troll :)
Yea! High five Taylor! o/ \o
You, a troll? Nah.
My arguments are valids... I make English mistakes... That means I'm the Latina Troll, muahaha!
Sofia: 2
Charles: 0
lmao, watch out for the Latina troll named Sofia XD XD
In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[3] The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted". While the word troll and its associated verb trolling are associated with Internet discourse, media attention in recent years has made such labels subjective, with trolling describing intentionally provocative actions outside of an online context. For example, mass media uses troll to describe "a person who defaces Internet tribute sites with the aim of causing grief to families."
Sofia is no troll, she is a n00b....
So you asked help for Wikipedia? Pretty nice, look who is "n00b"...
Oh, and you edited this post. Before you said you're from 4chan. Who the hell cares with that? No one man, give up.
"Rule 14, Section 1 of the internets: DO NOT argue with Trolls". That means, I won. XD
Ah but in accordance to other rules, when two trolls argue, NEITHER wins! XD and you are a n00b because you do not know of the /b/
Did you wrote the rules? There aren't rules. You lose, Charles, you know, and denying make you a n00b.
And you're not the only one who know what is 4chan. Stop with that, it's ridiculous.
There are no rules huh? And at least I can TYPE CORRECTLY! I'm no n00b considering I can type correctly, don't give me your Portuguese sh.it 'cause my friend's Portuguese and HE can type better than you, and he barely knows English!
That's the spirit! When you correct my mistakes, I learn more and have less chance of making the same mistake in the future.
And I don't care if your friend is Portuguese, if he don't make English mistakes is because he know English, duh. I'm not talking about your friends, I'm talking about trolls, and the conversation about my English ended 15 posts ago.
:D Continue, please do, I enjoy listening to people troll, 'cause I don't feed them, have fun starving ;)
Oh, man, if you didn't listen to people's troll, you would have stopped posting a looong time ago.
Have fun feeding me, nom nom. Good night everyone o/
Sofia: 6
Charles: 2 [because you know how to write "perfectly" in English (see the irony here?) and because I'm a nice person. See, two points for ya ;D]
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
*taunting* Reported for winning(SEE THE IRONY THERE?) hahahahahaha!
Now that's just annoying.
You're all annoying, how the hell this ended up becoming a troll fight I'll never know, but if Sofia thinks there are no rules to trolling she is dumber than I thought, there's rules to trolling, and she WILL follow them, neither her nor me have gotten a lead since we are both trolling each other.
Sofia and Charles:0
and Sofia can't say she's winning 'cause I'm not arguing with her with this post, I'm talking to u, Taylor. ;)
I wouldn't say you are talking to me, of course you're talking to Taylor, I know that, no needs to tell me.
The person who wrote that rules was joking, as I am. I was just joking with our "troll fight", it was fun, but you started being a fuk1ng idiot who doesn't know how to play or lose. Or just play, I'm not caring if you think you're right. Who read this forum will think whatever they want.
You make this be so annoying to everyone, and not in the annoying "fun" way.
If don't know how to play, don't go to the playground.
I shall same the same to you, for art thou ignorant of the rules? For art thou unknowing of thine own intellect? I think not, I think thou art very foolish for thinking such rubbish, how thou think that this fight is "fun." Thou shall feel the full wrath of Sir Charles The Valiant.
Nah, talk like a noble don't makes you a noble, you're in the wrong forum. Try "King's AJ Castle".
Ok ok, and what should be the full wrath of Charles? You already show what you can do in a forum. A middle finger and call everyone ignorant. Don't start to argue again. The fun fight is no longer fun.
It's Shakespearean Terminology if you knew anything, I take it you're not really 14, otherwise you'd know this. And you're the one who won't just shut up, I won't shut up because you haven't, ignorance is the lack of knowledge on a subject, you are ignorant to the fact that I can keep arguing for nothing all day and not give a sh*t what you say, and it won't stop until you end it yourself. ;)
Nah, I will ignore the fact that you said I don't know what you said. I'm doing the same, my point is: you started something that you can't or won't finished. If you reply, you read the last post [my post]. I reply, you reply, is an infinite process. It's what you said: "you're the one who won't just shut up, I won't shut up because you haven't (...)you are ignorant to the fact that I can keep arguing for nothing all day and not give a sh*t what you say, and it won't stop until you end it yourself." The last words are useless, it's what I'm trying to do, but you keep posting.
You can post again, I won't reply. But post again will be your neon sign saying how ignorant you are, replying this comment without apparent reason... You started, I finished.
Look who is ignorant now. ;)
-.- Look who's "outsmarted" the Fox.. Truth is, no matter what you say, I will NEVER be ignorant, love you LIKE A SISTER too, sis, we are all God's children, so insult your brother if you will, but remember, God is watching you, and calling me ignorant won't seem like it's worth the effort after you're damned to hell. Either way, I'M ending this because I am the bigger person, so good luck with your life, hope you find someone who you can beat, I really wish you the best of luck. I consider everyone my brother and sister and you're no exception.
Look who is loved like a sister now ;)
Oh, Sofia, my sister(non related), please join me in shunning Herold Camping on May 22nd, 2011 when we are all still alive :D It would be an honor.
Oh, Charles, you want that I reply your comment, but I won't. And I have no idea how to structure this sentence, I'm God's child, I make mistakes.
One of my mistakes was keeping arguing with you, I'm sorry. But you did make me sad, you said you want me to finish our little fun-almost-serious fight, but you said you're a bigger person, and you're wrong. YOU said we are God's children, my[non related]brother, and from God's eyes we are all the same. The only difference is that you're a 13 old years boy, I'm a 14 years old girl. You also make me sad when you said I'm going to hell, my brother, that's just not right. God is watching us, what He thought when you said that kind of things for a sister? What He thought when He saw us, fighting, for no reasons?
I love you now, bro. S2
Oh, btw, If I go to Hell, I will meet Stalin! Yay awesome! I will help him to defeat Hitler ;D again XD
Good way to look at it! Though God will forgive me, to insult the Son of Man(aka Humans) is a forgivable offense... To Insult the Holy Spirit(God) is to be unforgiven and for sure, sent to hell, though I apologize for what I have said, I know you do too ^_^ I have no clue who Stalin is though
Wikipedia is for these kind of moments, bro. ^_^
KISS107 guy: So they're sayin' the end of the world is tomorrow, so I guess we'll listen to a good son- *song comes on* ♫IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT, IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT♫
So yeah, I don't think that the real judgement day is going to be tomorrow. Only God knows. I don't know why people even TRY to speculate.
How nice, you're friends again. Charles, every sin is forgivable, no matter what.
Blasphemy, a direct insult to God, cannot possibly be forgiven.
0.0 wow, I love God for being that forgiving that he'd forgive an insult of his own name...
I know you're athiest but you don't have to be rude like that, Taylor.
...In the real Judgment day, just go to Heaven who truely believes on God or also good people who didn't believed on Him?
It's kinda unfair...Should someone, who spended his life helping people, spend a eternity in Hell just because didn't believed on Him...?
THE WORLD WILL END ON 12/21/12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You, Gamer G.M., Have learned nothing... and no the world will not end! It's 8 PM and I'M STILL ALIVE!!