nope, charles is smoking crack.
......and cocaine......... and ecstasy.........and G.H.B..........and hallucinogens........... and heroin.......... and inhalants......... and ketamine.......... and marijuana........ and meth...... and rohypnol......
and dont forget those estrogen pills you've been taking
I think I got them all. Yeah, Peter I forgot thoes.
Oh, and viagra.... :B, two a day keeps the **** away.
wat was the blanked out word? cause if it was b.itches, wouldnt that contradict wat you've been saying this whole time since your always talking about getting one???
Ha ha, shut up man not on here, ha ha ha. It was g@y but now that I think of it, it would attract them O_.
lmao not the windex again
Yeeeheeeaaa thhhhaaa wiiiiiinnnnnnndddddddeeeeex
Lmao, somebody needs to take the windex away from you
are you sure thats a good idea? he might bite you or something lol
Ok, I might have to sleep off the high-ness during The Cape....
she doesnt know about The Cape???
Lol, the action is fine but dialog is terribal.
That's a Fail Torrey...
And wtf Jole....Viagra and Ecstasy?!?!??!
Welcome to funkey town brother.
Damn, I think i inherited some of my mom's blondness or maybe i've been stuck in florida to long. The sun is frying my brain
I'm blond and look how I turned out. I hate that joke, that's why I use it all the time so ppl can't use it on me. O_.
Well ur a dirty blond, so ur still smart :)
BOO-YA. Unfortunantly, the docter prnounced me 25% def. :(