Luke seems to be a greedy **** hole. That makes two of you. *looks at Jack.*
yea ik u r luke u r just lyk tellsickk huh????
-.- you two(ehem, one, not two...they're both the same) annoy me...
who u talking to Charles? curiosity strikes again
my best frend would be Allison. she is cool and not a jerk like ben charles aj and peter sometimes are
i do not get it. she is actually cool again
i would actually say that Peter, Ben, AJ, and Charles r not basterds anymore.
sounds like u might have changed
aww thanx CESAR u too ur a really go0d frd and i know i can trust u with anything ohh and i have lotsz of frds but the best are cesar,peter,amy,xhibt,and AJ belive it or not BRUNO MARS even thou i dont know him that well but i know his kool ohh 4got... CHARELS srry love u guyes
He has changed for the better.
no. i have always been this way, just not really ever showed it. welll sometimes
storm you were one less s away from getting punched in the face
i punched him in the face anyway
Yeah, I agree with Peter. Though I am white I like standing up for blacks and other people. So in reality I would have whoop your ****. :)
You guys would be gettin in a lot of fights down here if that's all it takes for you to punch someone.
i get in fights at school all of the time. i get suspended often
That's why you fight out of school.
ahh kids these days. never know when to fight. even though im forced to fight in school grounds because i get jumped by some f**king idiot, i usually dont get caught
Yeah, not that hard to not get caught.....well guess it just depends.
Saying sniggers is not racist!!! Saying the n-word is.
what is the "n" word Ben? if u know what it is, then demonstrate it
this reminds me of this ***** i saw today. she was really really really hot, had an spectacular, and on top of that, she had an amazing body for a women who gave birth twice.
oh my god he censored me for saying M-I-L-F
BAHAHAHAHA, dude look it up, lol
It's "Mom/mother I'd Like (to) Fu,ck".
Yeah. Who the hell is optimus prime? :D
Yeah, that's what it means.
My imaginary friend Bob :P
I am not saying the N-word...
lol has jack really changed yet??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Woot i need some biscuits.
I did originally like biscuits but then I accidentally the whole thing.