but i have an @$$ :) Some pple dont tho.
I don't have an a$$, it is very flat. At least I have a dik, fueled by pervertedness.
lmao Jack you actually believed that? thats not what rape is XD
look it up.
and aj, u wouldnt no. ur 12. and ur PROBABLY right about the dik filled with pervertedness
*facepalm* Torrey, FAIL, I never said I was African!
Jack i just made up that acronym on the spot
But you said african was in ur blood!!!!!!
Sigh..... Jack, you just agreed on my godly dik.
lmao alright my best friends on here(not in order, dont want my friends to fight for the number 1 spot XD)
Storm(Ben/Carnage/Devastator/whatever the hell his name is now)
andd i think thats all of them
Oh, heyy im on another list :D Hehe, yay.
No, Torrey I said that I had mostly European in my blood, and Russian and Australian THEREFOR making it practically impossible to be racist to ANY country EXCLUDING Africa, HOWEVER I am not racist towards Africans, nor do I have it in my blood...I believe you misread my friend.
"Thanks Ben, also, Torrey, I never said I was racist toward Africans, just said I could be if I wanted too, but I can't for everything else, cause they're in my blood."
You misunderstood...The "Cause they're in my blood." part isn't referring to Africans, it is referring to my ancestries in Ireland, Scotland, Australia, Russia, Germany, France, (Perhaps Spain too), Europe, and other Old World countries
what about you? XD jk, im not that mean. Jack your not one of my best friends, your more of an acquaintance, maybe even a friend
We are brothers so it doesn't matter how high I am.... that sounded so odd.
Watch it Peter! You're bros n' being high with your bro brings out your inner homosexuality!
.....not really. you just sit there stoned most of the time laughing and stuff. nothing ga.y
oh and we always make sure theres a chick in the room so then its not ga.y........ITS NOT GA.Y IF THERES AT LEAST ONE CHICK IN THE ROOM AND IF YOUR WEINERS DONT TOUCH!
Shut it, Cardinals, I don't want your "good one" shi- cause ur only sayin' that cause I unintentionally made fun of my other two Perverted Musketeers
i am confused also and i am the one who supposidly did something to him or the Muskateers
idk, I bought a new hat and 15 girls slid their finger down my arm and said 'Hey cat in the hat.'
EDIT: Anybody ever try a 16 some?
Can we just start a new subject? Things are getting damn confusing around here.
Yeah. I suk at starting new topics, so u can take the honor Ben :D
Shud up. We can talk in here all we want. Anyway, my friends would be Peter Taylor Ben Torrey Allison Charles Halie and Jack. I only put the real peoples names in there.
wow. u actually say i am ur frend. or is this just to suk up?
why would he su,ck up to you? Theres no need for that
yeah. duh. everyone likes u Taylor. psh
maybe it was sarcastic. but i do not know...or do i?
yes taylor it u u r my best friend
how the hell do u no her?
Lol, how do you know Taylor? or me? or Peter?
cindy u dnt know these ppl so im ur best friend i am always going to be there for u so u better claim me babby
i do claim u babby always will