Vesta: I'm not sure I know what you mean, can you explain it a little more?
PleaseDontJump: I'm working on something similar but won't say anymore until I'm getting ready to launch it.
oh wait i thought you meant something else supergamer never mind
i like that they open in a new window really helpful thanks dom
i dont like how the secret games are all terrible & not fun games
Just added 3 more Secret games
"leveling" takeĀ“s very long^^ And I dont know what the secret games are^^
You unlock Secret Games when you're level 4. Best way to level up is comment on each game you play and to play a lot of high score games.
I think next to peoples names on their profile it should put some/an achievement(s) like first 100 member or first to 3000 points or most forum posts etc because I don't like that people put it there manually because lack of verification
change the font on the profile, to Comic Sans, Verdana or Courier News.
takes too long to level up if u dont want to put games on the site or post walkthroughs
I GOT THE MOST AMOUNT OF POSTS THANKS FOR SUGGESTING THAT BRUNO and i got 457 points just out of forum posting
its so hard to think of something...
I wish they had more Highscore games.
some high scores lag for me. :(
I don't like how you don't get notifs about comments on your page
I'll be giving out the points and making a new thread tomorrow, forgot that it was Sunday! So if you have any more feedback post here, or you can always post to my profile page.
1. The point system is somewhat hopeless - it rewards spammers, not good players. I understand the fact that you wish to keep the site dynamic but eventually it will do just the opposite when 99 % of all comments and forum posts are nothing but spam. In my opinion you are doing a great disservice to yourself and the site here.
2. When submitting scores the site sometimes lags and don't update the scores on the site. It's pretty annoying if you just spent an hour beating a highscore and it's not updated upon submitting. Hey Lincoln! Dance!
is a good example, take a look at the in-game highscores and compare to the site scores.
i want something that the hackers cant get on this site
Improving site security is something I need to work on. Thanks everyone for the feedback! All points given out.