cool its kinda a mixture of facebook and myspace i love it :)
i love it. when will it take effect
cool, I like the live search thing
FU**ING AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pretty seems organized and i like the new "player info" thingy at the top. nice
i like it. cuz now it shows what the games r actually rated
cool design i like it very much
awesome! best is the "challenge" thing :D
so how many points do i get?
Iteresting, ya done good.
i like it... looks good dom
its nice some wat like facebook
that is so cool i would love live serch
will the live search bar also bring up peoples profiles
i like the live search part, very good idea. As for the homepage everything is awesome, but the profile things in the upper right corner will definately need some getting used to, I don't like that it no longer shows wat level ur on, or the bar that shows how far along u r in that level. I guess it's just something one can judge once they try it out.
Btw, wat's the "Community" tag on the homepage?
I like using the numbers instead of stars for the ratings.
ipossibly awesome beyond beleif
cools. live search would be easier than just going to a new page.
how bout a different design every week
Great idea in the live search, it could show people's avatar too. ^^
I din't like the new home page so much...
The right side of the page is nice, and the number rate is better than stars, but I don't see why put "play button" [I like the really big image of the game ^^]. I prefer the actual place with my history, showing my play count or plays of this month. I totally did NOT like the profile on the upper right corner! I prefer the actual home page, just with some fixes...[like recommended games or recently played]
I like it, love the live search.
I am really liking the subtle colour change and the compact design. (:
Live search is nice but i would prefer the old homepage