Room 1:
Look around
Look at bed
Take key
Use key on padlock
Get in box
Room 2:
Look around
Read note
1904 (this number is the date of birth of the man referenced in the note)
Room 3:
Look around
Take parts
Build computer
Hit power button
Room 4:
Look around (start every room by looking around!)
Look at keypad
Now simply type in random numbers. Don't give up, it takes quite a while but that's part of the experience!
Room 5:
Look around
Keep looking around. OVER. AND. OVER. This also takes a while.
Guess the number. One digit at a time. also takes a while, but the ending is worth it! (the number changes from play to play)
168 months ago
Look around
Look at bed
Take key
Use key on padlock
Get in box
Room 2:
Look around
Read note
1904 (this number is the date of birth of the man referenced in the note)
Room 3:
Look around
Take parts
Build computer
Hit power button
Room 4:
Look around (start every room by looking around!)
Look at keypad
Now simply type in random numbers. Don't give up, it takes quite a while but that's part of the experience!
Room 5:
Look around
Keep looking around. OVER. AND. OVER. This also takes a while.
Guess the number. One digit at a time. also takes a while, but the ending is worth it! (the number changes from play to play)
Room 6:
Look around
Room 7:
Look around
Look at blood
Room 8:
Look around
Leave room