
Johnny Why Are You Late? Walkthrough

This page contains cheats, walkthroughs and game help for the game Johnny Why Are You Late?

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ingo_delete 1
167 months ago
Here's a complete walkthrough:

Johnny Why Are You Late Walkthrough
by Legacythiefx

Here is everything u do in order

1:Grab the chair and put it on the rug
2:take the crowbar
3:open the window
4:toss the alarm clock out the window
5:head downstairs and get the airfreshener
6:enter the kitchen
7:get the glass and the potato
8:open the frige
take the frozen toothpaste
9:retun to downstairs and fill the glass with hot water and use it to unfreeze the toothpaste
10:head upstairs and grab the toothbrush small key and uniform then put the tothpaste on the toothbrush
11:go downstairs and knock on the door ur wife will ask for toilet paper
12:go upstairs and get the toilet paper
13:she will slip u a piece of paper with the code to the drawer return upstairs
14:look at the paper then enter the code 803 then take the soap boxing gloves and wallet
15:go to the bathroom and use the airfreshner
16:take the plunger tissue and gloves
17:put the uniform soap and t-brush in the designated ares on the cabinet
18:go to the living room and hit the fat kid with the boxing gloves and take the private box and open it with the key
19:return to the bathroom and put the razor in its spot in the cabinet
20:return to the kitchen and use the plunger to get the towel
21:go the bathroom and put the towel in its spot in the cabinet the
22:he will then say prepare for battle and u will see him in a towel with the soap in his hand and he will become dressed
23:go to the living room and go out the door to the car then take the saw under the car
24:go bak in the house and get the keys
25:go outside and use the keys and take the pyro figure out the trunk
26:go to the garage and open the recycling bin and take the belial figure the hotdog on a stick
27:eat the hotdog then pick up the spider with the stick
28:go in the house and put the spider on the web and get the tape when it falls
29:go in sam room and get the ice pick then poke annie to get the achievment
30:go to the kitchen and use it to break open the ice and get the last action figure the kid will wake up and ask u to make a potato cannon for him
31:place all 3 action figures on the drawer
32:type in 666 on the drawer and take the sawblade and lighter
33:go outside and attach the sawblade to the saw and cut off the pipe and take it
34:put the airfreshner,tape,pipe,potato,lighter,and tisse tube together to get the sniper achievment
35:go up to the room and type in 1431 take the picture to get the dirty secrets achievment
36:use the potato cannon to break the window to get the other achievment then click to drive as fast as you can and go over 200kph to get speed devil achievment while also unlocking the bravery achievment for driving without a license
Blazerconz 28
167 months ago
code for the your bedroom:803
code for sam's room:666
Blazerconz 28
167 months ago
code for the pink box is 1431
TasosP 45
93 months ago
This is a pretty good game.
Paradox 32
167 months ago
If you hi your wife with the ice pick while she's sitting, you get an achievement.

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