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Alkie Kong 2 Walkthrough
This page contains cheats, walkthroughs and game help for the game Alkie Kong 2
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168 months ago
DR0KN: Auto win special code!
Easy Mode Codes
level 1: FLEYS
level 2: HPWTR
level 3: KQWXT
level 4: YMPEM
level 5: COENC
level 6: NNSSW
level 7: PZEPO
level 8: OJUGL
level 9: WYUPQ
level 10: QITFD
level 11: GDOGN
level 12: HAMPL
level 13: SMLSN
level 14: DPNIS
level 15: YBRBT
Normal Mode Codes
level 1: RLEYS
level 2: APWTR
level 3: IQWXT
level 4: MMPEM
level 5: FOENC
level 6: KNSSW
level 7: LZEPO
level 8: WJUGL
level 9: EYUPQ
level 10: LITFD
level 11: KDOGN
level 12: XAMPL
level 13: CMLSN
level 14: YPNIS
level 15: ZBRBT
Brutal Mode Codes
level 1: MLEYS
level 2: ZPWTR
level 3: XQWXT
level 4: PMPEM
level 5: UOENC
level 6: ONSSW
level 7: IZEPO
level 8: EJUGL
level 9: TYUPQ
level 10: MITFD
level 11: QDOGN
level 12: RAMPL
level 13: GMLSN
level 14: JPNIS
level 15: BBRBT
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168 months ago
Easy Mode Codes
level 1: FLEYS
level 2: HPWTR
level 3: KQWXT
level 4: YMPEM
level 5: COENC
level 6: NNSSW
level 7: PZEPO
level 8: OJUGL
level 9: WYUPQ
level 10: QITFD
level 11: GDOGN
level 12: HAMPL
level 13: SMLSN
level 14: DPNIS
level 15: YBRBT
Normal Mode Codes
level 1: RLEYS
level 2: APWTR
level 3: IQWXT
level 4: MMPEM
level 5: FOENC
level 6: KNSSW
level 7: LZEPO
level 8: WJUGL
level 9: EYUPQ
level 10: LITFD
level 11: KDOGN
level 12: XAMPL
level 13: CMLSN
level 14: YPNIS
level 15: ZBRBT
Brutal Mode Codes
level 1: MLEYS
level 2: ZPWTR
level 3: XQWXT
level 4: PMPEM
level 5: UOENC
level 6: ONSSW
level 7: IZEPO
level 8: EJUGL
level 9: TYUPQ
level 10: MITFD
level 11: QDOGN
level 12: RAMPL
level 13: GMLSN
level 14: JPNIS
level 15: BBRBT