
Road of the Dead Walkthrough

This page contains cheats, walkthroughs and game help for the game Road of the Dead

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alesan 30
167 months ago
I dont have a walkthrough but to all the guys who are as stupid as I:

1.To get enemys of your cars hood you can use the pistol or maybe your hand(f button) or I think u can drive into objects too.
2.U can beat helicopters by letting them hit those metal shields which say for example things like "20miles" (Upper part left or right side of the screen!
helloperson 35
167 months ago
use the pistol to get enemies of your hood,
Masterjet 13
167 months ago
Make sure to upgrade your windshield and body armour first because you are mre likely to die shot to death then blowing up
Rainbow Dash is best Pony
Rainbow Dash is best Pony 13
160 months ago
when a zombie or enemy is on your car if your windshield isnt broken yet punch him to get him off

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