When you get to the final evolve, get enough money to make a ionray then get more to make three more then build up money with the rays and get as much money as you want then attack (try to use at keast 2 super soldiers
go to the last level of evolvation and then get 4 turret(red,blue and the two small ones at the bottom)in this way not even a super solider can pass then collect ur money make 2super soldiers and blast through while using the special!!!
when you get to the last evolve add all the turret spots and get the best possible turrets u can get and add as many of those as u can and then the other team cant get to your tower coz they just die then u have basically won the game if u just create good units and dont waste your money on the last and most expensive on the finall evolve coz hes rubbish
168 months ago