An fast and inexplicable sidescroller involving hairballs, explosions, and a wide variety of enemies! Play as the intrepid flying cat, Catz, and shoot thousands of hairballs at a vast array of ridiculous enemies in this speedy, difficulty-ramping sidescroller. Fend off giant wasps, sinister hairdryers, inexplicably airborne jellyfish, and deadly flying saucers to survive as long as you can. Easy to play, tough to succeed!
How to Play:
Move Catz with the arrow keys, avoiding enemies and their projectiles, and grabbing powerups and coins. Hold down the Z, X, or C keys to fire hairballs. Fill your prestige meter by killing lots of enemies, not firing when you don't have to, grabbing blue pickups, and not getting hit. When the prestige meter is full and starts flashing, hit the space bar to turn into Admiral Catz, temporarily turning your weapon into a huge, powerful laser! Survive as long as possible and maximize your score by grabbing more pickups, killing more enemies, and not wasting hairballs!
Hit M to mute or unmute everything. Use N to toggle music only. Use P to pause, R to quickly restart the game, and Q to toggle quality.
In-Game Music by Kevin MacLeod.
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Tags: sidescrolling, · sidescroller,
6,266 total plays
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