Tactical ship placement game with multiplayer. Outsmart your opponent to gain control of the nebula.
How to Play:
You and your opponent each control a squadron of 10 ships with various strengths. Every turn, each player gets to place a ship in one of the available slots. If this new ship is placed in front of an enemy ship, these two ships will fight. The ship with the highest strength will remain on the field, but it might be damaged and lose some strength as a result.
In case of two opposing ships having the same strength, both will be destroyed, unless the currents of the nebula favors one side.
Each squadron also includes one saboteur ship. This ship will always destroy the opposing ship in a fight, but the saboteur itself will also be destroyed, thus it can only be used once.
When both sides have played all their ships, the side who has the highest combined squadron strength on the field is victorious.
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Tags: space · spaceships
1,913 total plays
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